Interviewer instructions
The survey aims to determine the reasons why people travel. Hence, ask the
primary reason or purpose why each person left for abroad. The reason should relate
to the person's last departure.
While in some cases it may be quite difficult to ascertain the true reason why the
person left for abroad, the type of visa granted to him may indicate the purpose of his
travel. You therefore should ascertain whether the person left as an immigrant, contract
worker, work with Philippine Embassy/Consulate abroad, tourist, student, etc.
The following reasons with the corresponding codes are:
1 Contract Worker 5 Student
2 Work with Phil. Embassy/Consulate Abroad 6 Immigrant
3 Worker Other than Contractual 7 Official Mission
4 Tourist 8 Others Specify
Refer to pages 5-6 of this manual to ascertain which code is appropriate for this
question. Reasons other than those specified in codes 1 to 7 should be specified in
code 8 (Others).