Total Employment includes:
- working owners receiving regular pay
- salaried directors, managers and executives
- regular, probationary, casual, contractual, seasonal, piece-rate workers and project-based employees
- paid apprentices and trainees
- persons on paid vacation, sick, maternity, paternity, service incentive leave and other paid leaves
- persons working away from the establishment but paid by and under its control workers
- workers on strike
Unpaid workers:
- working owners without regular pay
- apprentices and learners without regular pay
- persons working for at least 1/3 of the working time normal to the establishment
This excludes:
- silent or inactive partners
- members of the board of directors paid solely for attendance at meetings
- workers on indefinite leave
- laid off workers for six (6) months or more
- persons receiving commissions only and without employer control
- consultants and persons on retainer basis
- contractor/agency hired workers
- homeworkers
Average total employment is the sum of the number of persons employed in the establishment for all months of the reference year divided by 12. Do similar computations for male and female workers.