Lost Workdays - working days (consecutive or staggered) for which an injured person was not able to work, starting from the day after the day of the accident. If the person is still absent from work by the end of the reference year, his/her days lost cover the period from the day after the day of the accident up to the end of the reference year. Temporary absences from work of less than one day for medical treatment should not be included in days lost.
- Effects of radiation
- Effects of heat and light
- Hypothermia
- Effects of air pressure and water pressure
- Asphyxiation
- Effects of maltreatment (including physical abuse, psychological abuse)
- Effects of lightning (shock from lightning, struck by lightning not otherwise specified)
- Drowning and non-fatal submersion
- Effects of noise and vibration (including acute hearing loss)
- Effects of electric current (electrocution, shock from electric current)
- Other specified injuries
- Injuries not specified