Value |
Category |
135.316802978516 |
270.633605957031 |
405.950408935547 |
541.267211914062 |
676.583984375 |
811.900817871094 |
947.217590332031 |
1082.53442382812 |
1217.85119628906 |
1353.16796875 |
1488.48474121094 |
1623.80163574219 |
1759.11840820312 |
1894.43518066406 |
2029.751953125 |
2165.06884765625 |
2300.38549804688 |
2435.70239257812 |
2571.01928710938 |
2706.3359375 |
2841.65283203125 |
3112.28637695312 |
3247.60327148438 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.