Value |
Category |
201 |
Beds |
202 |
Tables and chairs |
203 |
Cupboards |
204 |
Dining room suites |
205 |
Lounge suites |
206 |
Desks and sideboards |
207 |
Stools and benches |
208 |
Others, specify |
209 |
Repair of furniture |
218 |
Carpets |
223 |
Lamps and pictures |
230 |
Stove gas or electric |
231 |
Refrigerator/deep freezer |
232 |
Iron |
233 |
Air conditioner |
234 |
Electric fan |
235 |
Sewing machine |
236 |
Washing machine |
237 |
Other, specify |
238 |
Repair of household appliances |
269 |
Motor cars and vans |
270 |
Motor cycles |
271 |
Bicycles |
272 |
Other, specify |
284 |
Tickets on domestic airlines |
285 |
Tickets on internat.airlines |
292 |
Radio or radio cassettes |
293 |
Television sets |
294 |
Parabola antenna |
295 |
Video recorders |
296 |
Cameras |
297 |
Musical instruments |
298 |
Cellular phone (handsets) |
299 |
equipment |
300 |
Computers |
304 |
Parts and accessories of recreational goods |
305 |
Repair of recreational goods |
306 |
Cinema/theatre tickets |
341 |
Watches |
342 |
Watches |
343 |
Jewelry, rings, precious stones |
344 |
Repair of such items |
356 |
Currency spent abroad (in KIP) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.