Value |
Category |
1 |
Products and by-products manufactured |
2 |
Sale value of commodities traded |
3 |
Amounts receivable from contractor |
4 |
Receipts from sale of prepared food, refreshment and drinks |
5 |
Earnings from goods and passenger traffic |
6 |
STD/courier, fax, etc. charges receivable from customers |
7 |
Receipts for educational activity like tuition fees, examina |
8 |
Receipts from consultation fees and medical services |
9 |
Receipts from services provided to others including commissi |
10 |
Market value of own construction on building, furniture and |
11 |
Value of consumption of goods/services produced or traded fo |
12 |
Rent receivable on plant and machinery and other fixed asset |
13 |
Other receipts |
14 |
Total receipts (rows 1 to 13) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.