Interviewer instructions
Columns (8) to (14): Change in work activity status, industry, occupation and establishment during last 2 years: These columns will be filled in only for those who are employed in the usual principal status (i.e., persons with code 11-51 in col. 3). In columns (8) to (14) information on whether during the last 2 years, the person has changed - usual principal work activity status, industry associated with usual principal work activity, occupation associated with usual principal work activity and establishment will be ascertained and if a change in respect of work activity status, industry and occupation is reported, the earlier position in that regard would also be ascertained.
Columns (12) & (13): Whether during last 2 years changed occupation and if changed, last occupation: Whether the person has changed his/her occupation, associated with usual principal work activity, as per NCO-2004, during the last 2 years will be ascertained. If the person has changed occupation then in column (12) entry will be code 1, otherwise, code 2 will be entered in column (12). For persons with code 1 in column (12), that is, those reporting a change in occupation, the last occupation in terms of 2-digit code as per NCO-2004 code will be recorded in column (13).