Interviewer instructions
Columns (16) to (20): These items are meant for identification of home-based workers/home-workers and study of their characteristics, and are to be canvassed for the self-employed persons, i.e., for code 11, 12 or 21 in col. 3, with industry groups/divisions 012, 014, 015 and divisions 02 to 99 (in col. 5). The item-wise details are given below.
Column (16): Whether worked under given specifications: It is to be ascertained whether in relation to the activity recorded in col. 3, the person carried out the production (i.e., goods and services) on the basis of given or laid product-specifications of the "employer". The term "employer" means a person, natural or legal, who, either directly or through an intermediary, whether or not intermediaries are provided for in national legislation, gives out home work in pursuance of his or her business activity. When a person procures the order/contract from the "employer" for his or her household enterprise to supply goods, normally an implicit or explicit specification of the product, written or oral, is laid by the "employer". Sometimes, the whole activity is carried out under the specifications of the "employer", or a part under the specifications of the "employer" and rest of his own specification. The appropriate situation is to be ascertained and be recorded in codes. Note that most of the self-employed carry out activities on their own specification and for all the customers. They will get code 4.
The situation of whether the self-employed person has worked under given specification of the "employer", is to be adjudged corresponding to the activity status (recorded in col. 3) and the industry (recorded in col. 5) at 2 -digit level of NIC-2004. If the production of the whole range of products/services corresponding to the activity of the self-employed person is carried out according to the product specification of the "employer", code 1 will be recorded. On the other hand, if majority of the production, in terms of value of output (i.e., more than or equal to 50 per cent), is carried out according to the product specification of the "employer", applicable code will be 2. However, if only a part of the production is carried out according to the product specification of the "employer", code will be 3. If the self-employed person does not work under the product specification of any "employer" code will be 4.