Interviewer instructions
Items 14 to 17: Is any member of the household the holder of post office account (yes-1, no-2, don’t know-9) and number of such accounts in the household as on the date of survey: In items 14 to 17, information will be collected on whether any member(s) of the household is a holder of specified Post Office account(s) or savings instruments of Department of Post, Government of India, and if any member(s) of the household is a holder of specified Post Office account(s), number of such accounts held by all the members of the household as on the date of survey will be recorded. The specified accounts for which information will be collected are:
i) saving bank account,
ii) recurring deposit account,
iii) monthly income account, and
iv) any other accounts or savings instruments, such as public provident fund account, national savings certificate, kisan vikas patra, time deposit, senior citizens savings scheme, etc.
For each type of account listed against items 14 to 17, two columns have been provided. In the first column, information on whether any member of the household has the specified account will be recorded. If any household member has the specified account entry will be 1 and entry will be 2 if no member of the household has the specified account. On the other hand, if the informant reports that he/she does not know whether any member of the household has the specified post office account entry will be 9 against that item. For the item(s) with entry 1, i.e., if any household member is holding the specific type of account, the number of such accounts held by all the household members will be recorded in the next column against that item. It may be noted that in item 17, besides the types of accounts listed in items 14 to 16, information will be recorded for any other type of accounts or savings instruments.