Value |
Category |
6 |
Health |
10 |
Education |
11 |
Hotels, Cafes and Restaurants |
12 |
Non alcoholic beverages |
21 |
Alcoholic beverages |
41 |
Actual rentals for housing |
42 |
Imputed Rentals for housing |
43 |
Maintenance and repair of housing |
44 |
Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to dwelling |
45 |
Electricity, Gas and other fuels |
51 |
Furniture, furnishings, flooring, routine hh. maintenance |
53 |
household appliances |
55 |
Tools and equipment for house and garden |
71 |
Purchases of vehicles |
73 |
Transport services |
81 |
Postal communications |
82 |
Telephone and telefax equipment |
83 |
Telephone and telefax services |
111 |
Bread and Cereals |
112 |
Meat |
113 |
Fish and seafood |
114 |
Milk, cheese and eggs |
115 |
Oil and fats |
116 |
Fruits |
117 |
Vegetables |
118 |
Sugar, jam, honey, syrups, choclate and confectionery |
119 |
Other food products |
121 |
Personal care |
220 |
Tobacco |
230 |
Narcotics including chemical drugs |
311 |
Clothing materials |
312 |
Clothing and footwear 11 |
314 |
Clothing and footwear 111 |
321 |
Clothing and footwear 1V |
431 |
Materials for maintenance and repair of dwelling |
432 |
Service for the maintenance and repair of dwelling |
520 |
Household textiles |
531 |
Major household appliances whether electric or not |
540 |
Glassware, Tableware and household utensils |
562 |
Goods and services for routine household maintenance |
721 |
Spare parts and accessories for personal transport equipment |
722 |
Fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment |
911 |
equipment for the recep., recording & repr. of sounds & pict |
912 |
photograhic & cinematographic equip. & optical |
941 |
Recreation and sporting services |
942 |
Culttural services |
951 |
Books |
952 |
Newspapers and periodicals (ND) |
954 |
Stationery and drawing materials |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.