Value |
Category |
-5 |
other |
-4 |
missing data |
-3 |
refused to answer |
-2 |
not applicable |
-1 |
do not know |
0 |
1400 |
3500 |
4000 |
5000 |
6000 |
9000 |
10000 |
14000 |
15000 |
18000 |
22000 |
25000 |
30000 |
34160 |
35000 |
36000 |
39000 |
40000 |
45000 |
48000 |
50000 |
53000 |
55000 |
56000 |
60000 |
65000 |
65896 |
67000 |
70000 |
74000 |
75000 |
76000 |
80000 |
90000 |
95000 |
96000 |
100000 |
105000 |
107000 |
110000 |
120000 |
128000 |
135000 |
138000 |
139000 |
140000 |
149000 |
150000 |
155000 |
158000 |
160000 |
170000 |
200000 |
220000 |
260000 |
270000 |
300000 |
360000 |
420000 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.