Value |
Category |
-5 |
other |
-4 |
missing data |
-3 |
refused to answer |
-2 |
not applicable |
-1 |
do not know |
1 |
taking care for children |
2 |
taking care of others |
3 |
health reasons/disabled |
4 |
training/school |
5 |
looked for work |
6 |
no work available |
7 |
housework |
8 |
did not want to work |
9 |
had a job |
10 |
worked while stuyding |
11 |
worked right after school |
12 |
never attend school/training |
13 |
other |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.