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World Bank Enterprise Survey 2014-2022
2014 - 2022
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World Bank Group (WBG)
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Created on
Feb 06, 2025
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Feb 06, 2025
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Data file: India_2014_2022.dta
India 2014 and 2022 World Bank Enterprise Survey panel data
Were the benefits useful to grow this establishment’s activities?
J30: rotation position 1
J30: rotation position 2
J30: rotation position 3
J30: rotation position 4
J30: rotation position 5
J30: rotation position 6
Main reason tax admin is obstacle to establishment's current operations?
Which policies would encourage this establishment the most to pay more in taxes?
Num. Permanent, Full-Time Employees At End of 2 Fiscal Years Ago
Num. Permanent, Full-Time Top Managers At End of Last Fiscal Year
Num. Permanent, Full-Time MIddle Managers At End of Last Fiscal Year
Num. of Permanent, Full-Time Skilled Production Workers, Last FY
Num. of Permanent, Full-Time Semi-skilled Production Workers, Last FY
Number of Full Time Workers Completed High School
Training Programs Amount:Non-Production Full-Time Permanent Employees Trained
% of total sales spent on training full-time permanent workers Last FY
Total sales (Rupees) spent on training full-time permanent workers Last FY
% of total sales spent on training full-time permanent managers Last FY
Total sales (Rupees) spent on training full-time permanent managers Last FY
% Permanent Full-Time Female Employees Received Formal Training In Last FY
Training Programs Amount: Full-Time Permanent Female Employees Trained
Firm provides childcare facilities or a cash grant / stipend for childcare?
Annual cost of managers inc. wages, salaries, bonuses, social security payments
Total Labor Cost (Incl. Wages, Salaries, Bonuses, Etc) In Last FY minus 1
Total Cost of Raw Materials And Intermediate Goods Used In Production
Main Product/Service ISIC (Rev. 4.0) Code
see notes
Sampling Region
Region Of The Establishment
Sector Match Between Screener Information And Sample Frame
Type Of Establishment
Establishment's Financial Statements Separate from Other Establishments
Was Establishment Formally Registered When It Began Operations?
SARB9 Is this establishment located in an export processing zone or other indust
How Long Did The Average Power Outage Last?
Do You Currently Communicate With Clients And Suppliers By E-Mail?
Cell phones used in operations of the establishment
How Much Of An Obstacle: Telecommunications To Operations Of This Establishment?
SARd3b Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan -
SARd3C China and Hong Kong - What percent of this establishment's direct export
SARd3D Europe and America and Canada - What percent of this establishment's dire
SARd3E Other countries - What percent of this establishment's direct export reve
SARD4A What percentage were transported outside the country via Road
SARD4B What percentage were transported outside the country via Rail
SARD4C What percentage were transported outside the country via Air
SARD4D What percentage were transported outside the country via Sea
In last FY, Export Losses Due To Theft As % Of value of products
In last FY, Export Losses Due To Breakage Or Spoilage As % Of value of products
INDd11A1 Road journey - Minimum days
INDd11A2 Road journey - Maximum days
INDd11B1 Train journey - Minimum days
INDd11B2 Train journey - Maximum days
INDd11C1 At the airport, including customs - Minimum days
INDd11C2 At the airport, including customs - Maximum days
INDd11D1 At the seaport, including customs - Minimum days
INDd11D2 At the seaport, including customs - Maximum days
INDd11E1 Air journey - Minimum days
INDd11E2 Air journey - Maximum days
INDd11F1 Sea journey - Minimum days
INDd11F2 Sea journey - Maximum days
SARD11 Considering road transportation choose the biggest transportation obstacl
SARD13 During 2012/2013, what percent of theseforeign material inputs or supplie
Avg. days of inventory of most important input kept by establishment
SARd19a How many days, on average, elapse from the day the customer places the o
SARd19b How many days, on average, does it take to manufacture the goods
SARd19c How many days, on average, does it take for the finished goods to be del
SARd20 Does this establishment currently export or is it considering entering th
SARd21A Meeting export market product specifications and requirements
SARd21B Price competitiveness in export markets
SARd21C Production capacity to meet order quantities and delivery dates
SARd21D Import regulations and non-tariff barriers in the export markets
SARd21E Transportation and delivery of raw materials and inputs used in producti
SARd21F Transportation and delivery of the exported goods
SARd22A Most important business service - help increase exports or facilitate en
SARd22B Second most important business service - help increase exports or facili
SARd23A1 Most important business service - would most help increase your domesti
SARd23B1 Second most important business service - would most help increase your
SARD24A Local chamber of commerce
SARD24B Industry association
SARD31A Lack of an ISO certification - To what degree is an obstacle
SARD31B Access to inputs and supplies - To what degree is an obstacle
SARD31C Access to production technology - To what degree is an obstacle
SARD31D Current currency exchange rates - To what degree is an obstacle
SARD31E Price increases in fuel, electricity, and raw materials - To what degree
SARD31F Availability of storage facilities, including cold storage facilities an
H3 Has this establishment introduced any new or significantly improved methods o
H4A Has this establishment introduced any newor significantly improved logistics
H4B Has this establishment introduced any newor significantly improved supportin
H6 During the last three years, has this establishment introduced newor signific
H7 Did this establishment spend on formal research and development activities, e
H8 Did this establishment give employees some time to develop or try out a new a
Percentage Of The Land Occupied: Rented Or Leased By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Land Occupied: Other
In last FY, % Of Material Inputs Or Services Paid For After Delivery
In last FY, % Of Total Annual Sales Paid For After Delivery
K20 Referring only to this most recent application for a line of credit or loan,
What % Of Senior Management Time Was Spent In Dealing With Govt Regulations?
Num. Full-time Employees At End Of Last Fiscal Yr: Skilled Production Workers
Average Years Of Education For Typical Production Worker
L9A2 What is the average number of years of education of a typical female perman
INDL9C What is the percentage of full time permanent workers who have at least a
SARL10A What was the primary focus of the formal training programs
SARL10B Who was the primary provider of these training programs
SARL11A Skilled Production full-time permanent employees trained
SARL11B Unskilled Production full-time permanent employees trained
SARL12 Please indicate the principal reason for the lack of training programs
SARL13A Challenges of working with women due to their family commitments
SARL13B Challenges of hiring women given government regulations such as workin
SARL13C Hiring women could cause disruption in the working environment
SARL13D Required benefits and other expenses such as providing separate workplac
INDL14 If this establishment feels that some of its employees are redundant, is
INDL15 Please choose the principal reason this establishment is unable to termin
Rotation Order
Total Annual Costs Of Fuel In Last Fiscal Year
N2RA Total rental cost of machinery, vehicles and equipment
N2RB Total rental cost of land and buildings
Other Cost Of Production
Net Book Value Of Machinery Vehicles, And Equipment In Last Fiscal Year
Net Book Value Of Land And Buildings In Last Fiscal Year
Cost For Establishment To Re-Purchase All Of Its Land And Buildings
Main Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
A15A3 Main respondent - Gender
Second Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
A15B3 Second respondent - Gender
Third Respondent Position In The Firm
Third Respondent Years Working In The Firm:
A15C3 Third respondent - Gender
Main Respondent Position In The Firm
Second Respondent Position In The Firm
SARd23A Most important business service - would most help increase your domestic
SARd23B Second most important business service - would most help increase your d
Avg. days of inventory of main sales item kept by establishment
Percentage Of The Building Occupied: Leased or Rented By This Establishment
Percentage Of The Building Occupied: Other
group(a2 a4anew a6a_new)
Weight according to strict eligibility
Weight according to median eligibility
Weight according to weak eligibility
ID number of 2014 survey
ID number of 2022 survey
Total: 444
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