Classification of Occupations
The classification of occupations used in this Census was based on the International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO) 1988 revision. In the previous censuses, however, ISCO - 68 revision had been used to classify the occupations. In ISCO - 88 revision all occupations have been categorized into nine major groups.
Major Group 1 - Legislators, Senior Officials and Managers
This group of occupations covers the persons who are involved in planning, formulating and deciding on policies. Hence policy makers Administrators and Managers are categorized under this group. The core content of this group is identical with that of major group "Administrative and Managerial Workers" in ISCO - 68, but occupations with similar tasks classified under other ISCO - 68 major groups have also been added in this group.
Major Group 2 - Professionals
This major group includes the occupations whose main tasks require a high level of professional knowledge and experience in related fields. For example Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and Midwives are taken under the "Professional" category in the health Sector. According to ISCO - 88, Teachers at all levels are also classified under this major group. All occupations classified under this major group were classified under the major group "Professional, Technical and related workers" in ISCO - 68.
Major Group 3 - Technicians and Associate Professionals
This major group covers the occupations which require the experience and knowledge necessary to assume operational responsibility and to give technical support to the administrators and the professionals in the major groups 1 and 2. The core content of this major group consists of occupations which were classified under the major group Professional, Technical and related Workers" in ISCO 68. Occupations with skill requirement at a similar level which were classified under other ISCO - 68 major groups, such as major group - 3 "Clerical and related
workers" and major group 4 - "Sales workers" are also classified under this major group. This is a new major group introduced in the ISCO - 88 revision.
Major Group 4 - Clerks
This major group covers occupations whose main tasks require the knowledge and experience necessary in recording, organizing, storing and retrieving, information, computing, numerical, financial and statistical data and also performing a number of client oriented clerical duties. The core content of this group consists of the occupations that were classified under the major group as clerical and related workers" in ISCO - 68.
Major Group 5 - Service Workers and Shop and Market Sales Workers
This major group covers occupations whose main tasks require the knowledge and experience necessary to provide protective services and personal services related to travel, house keeping. catering and personal care or to sell and demonstrate goods for wholesale or retail shops and similar establishments. The core con1entof this group consists of occupations that were classified under the major groups" Sales Workers" and "Service Workers" in ISCO - 68.
Major Group 6 - Skilled Agricultural and Fishery Workers
This major group covers occupations whose main tasks require the knowledge and experience necessary to grow and harvest crops, breed, feed or hunt animals, catch or breed fish or cultivate or gather other forms of aquatic life. The core content of this group consists of occupations that were classified under the major group, "Agricultural, Animal husbandry and Forestry Workers, Fishermen and Hunters" in ISCO - 68. However this major group is not much significant in the Census of Public and Corporation Sector Employment in Sri Lanka.
Major Group 7 - Craft and Related Workers
This major group covers occupations whose tasks require the knowledge and experience necessary to extract and treat raw materials, manufactures and repair goods and construct, maintain and repair roads, structures and machinery. The core content of this group consists of occupations that were classified under major groups 7/8/9 "Production and related workers, Transport ·Equipment Operators and Labourers," in ISCO - 68.
The Group 8 - Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
This major group covers occupations whose main tasks require the knowledge and experience necessary to operate vehicles and other mobile equipment, control and monitor the operations of industrial plant and machinery. The core content of this group consists of occupations that were classified under major group 7/8/9 "Production and related workers, Transport Equipment Operators, and Labourers," in ISCO - 68.
Major Group 9 - Elementary Occupations
This major group covers occupation with mostly simple and routine tasks, performed with physical effort and hand held simple tools with little initiative and judgment which needs simple knowledge and experience. The core content of this group consists of occupations that were classified under major groups 7/8/9 "Production and Related Workers, Transport Equipment Operators, and Labourers" in ISCO - 68 and occupations with skill requirement at a similar level classified under other ISCO - 68 major groups.