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Thesis or Dissertation
Lamijo, Lamijo.
The Development of Border Regions in Southeast Asia: Cross-border Trade in the Vietnam-Lao PDR Border Areas
Master of Philosophy, Australian National University , 2016.
Journal Article
Sawe, Fredrick, Michael D Hughes, Yajing Bao, Evelyn Hogg, Douglas Shaffer, Jacob Phulusa, Tebogo Kakhu, Francesca Conradie, Margaret Kasaro, Rosie Mngqbisa, Abraham Siika, Diana Atwiine, Tsungai Chipato, James McIntyre, Judith Currier, and Shahin Lockman.
Excellent retention, virologic and clinical outcomes after transitioning from an antiretroviral treatment clinical trial to locally-provided care and treatment in Africa
International Journal of Clinical Trials 4, no. 1 (2017): 39-44.
Journal Article
Gustafsson, Bjorn, and Quheng Deng.
Social assistance receipt and its importance for combating poverty in urban China
(2007) Econstor.
Journal Article
Van Minh, Hoang, Kim Bao Giang, Nguyen Bao Ngoc, Phan Thi Hai, Doan Thi Thu Huyen, Luong Ngoc Khue, Nguyen Tuan Lam, Pham Thi Quynh Nga, and Nguyen Thi Xuyen.
Prevalence of tobacco smoking in Vietnam: findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2015
International Journal of Public Health 62, no. 1 (2017): 121-129.
Journal Article
Van Minh, Hoang, Tran Thu Ngan, Nguyen Bao Ngoc, Vu Duy Kien, Vu Quynh Mai, Tran Bich Phuong, Tran Tuan Anh, Kim Bao Giang, Phan Van Tuong, and Ha Anh Duc.
Methods for the 2016 Socioeconomic and Health Survey in Chi Linh Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CHILILAB HDSS)
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29, no. 5_suppl (2017): 9S-17S.
Journal Article
Bao, Shuming.
The Inter-Regional Migration in China
(2008) China Data Center the University of Michigan the University of Michigan.
Journal Article
Bao, Qun, Ninghua Ye, and Ligang Song.
Political Connection, Local Protection and Domestic Market Entry Barriers in China
Journal Article
Chau, C.N., K.H. Jacobsen, and Bao Ngoc Vu.
Maternal reports of child health practices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
(2011) Journal of Rural and Tropical Public Health.
Journal Article
Haughton, Jonathan, NguyÔn ThÕ Quan, and NguyÔn Hoµng Bao.
Tax incidence in Vietnam
Asian Economic Journal 20, no. 2 (2006): 217-2.
Journal Article
Van Minh, Hoang, Dao Lan Huong, Kim Bao Giang, and Peter Byass.
Economic aspects of chronic diseases in Vietnam
(2009) Global health action.
Journal Article
Duc, Nguyen Huu, Duong Thi Mai Hoa, Nguyen Thien Huong, and Nguyen Ngoc Bao.
On Various Essential Data Related to Status Quo of Motorcycles in Vietnam
(2013) Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies.
Journal Article
Duong, Pham Bao, and Pham Tien Thanh.
Impact Evaluation of Microcredit on Welfare of the Vietnamese Rural Households
Asian Social Science 11, no. 2 (2014): p190.
Journal Article
Tsegai, Daniel, and Quang Bao Le.
District-level spatial analysis of migration flows in Ghana: determinants and implications for policy
Regional Science Policy & Practice 3, no. 2 (2011): 87-100.
Working Paper
Bao, Qun, Yanling Wang, and Ninghua Ye.
External Finance and Firms’ Sales: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Journal Article
Bao-shu, ZHU.
The Urbanization and Population Distribution in Shanghai
(2003) South China Population.
Journal Article
Hou, Xuhong, Weiping Jia, Yuqian Bao, Huijuan Lu, Shan Jiang, Yuhua Zuo, Huilin Gu, and Kunsan Xiang.
Risk factors for overweight and obesity, and changes in body mass index of Chinese adults in Shanghai
BMC Public Health 8, no. 1 (2008): 389.
Journal Article
Villamor, Grace B, Quang Bao Le, Utkur Djanibekov, Meine Noordwijk, and Paul LG Vlek.
Biodiversity in rubber agroforests, carbon emissions, and rural livelihoods: An agent-based model of land-use dynamics in lowland Sumatra
(2014) Environmental Modelling & Software.
Journal Article
Poh, Bee Koon, Nipa Rojroonwasinkul, Bao Khanh Le Nyugen, Basuki Budiman, Lai Oon Ng, Kusol Soonthorndhada, Hoang Thi Xuyen, Paul Deurenberg, and Panam Parikh.
Relationship between anthropometric indicators and cognitive performance in Southeast Asian school-aged children
British Journal of Nutrition 110, no. 3 (2013): 57-64.
Working Paper
Chang, Gu Bao, and Li Yong Ping.
Sex Ratio at Birth and Son Preference in China
(1996) Sex preference for children and gender discrimination in Asia.
Journal Article
Dai, Sheng-Ming, Xing-Hai Han, Dong-Bao Zhao, Ye-Qing Shi, Yu Liu, and Ji-Ming Meng.
Prevalence of rheumatic symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and gout in Shanghai, China: a COPCORD study.
The Journal of rheumatology 30, no. 10 (2003): 2245-2251.
Journal Article
Flaherty, Joseph Henry, Mei Lin Liu, Lei Ding, Birong Dong, Qunfang Ding, Xia Li, and Shifu Xiao.
China: the aging giant
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 55, no. 8 (2007): 1295-1300.
Journal Article
Giang, Kim Bao, Juhwan Oh, Vu Duy Kien, Luu Ngoc Hoat, Sugy Choi, Chul Ou Lee, and Hoang Van Minh.
Changes and inequalities in early birth registration and childhood care and education in Vietnam: findings from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, 2006 and 2011
(2016) Global health action.
Working Paper
Nguyen, Hoang Anh, Hoang Truong Giang, Hoang Tuan Du Vu, and Hoang Bao Tram.
A Review of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Vietnam Taking into Account Socio-Cultural Norms and the Institutional Ecosystem
(2016) Foreign Trade University (FTU), Vietnam.
Journal Article
Diwediga, Badabate, Quang Bao Le, Sampson Agodzo, and Kperkouma Wala.
Potential storages and drivers of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen across river basin landscape: The case of Mo river basin (Togo) in West Africa
(2017) Ecological Engineering.
Journal Article
Dat, Vu Quoc, Nguyen Thanh Long, Kim Bao Giang, Pham Bich Diep, Ta Hoang Giang, and Janet V Diaz.
Healthcare infrastructure capacity to respond to severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) and sepsis in Vietnam: A low-middle income country
(2017) Journal of Critical Care.
Journal Article
Van Bui, Tan, Christopher Leigh Blizzard, Khue Ngoc Luong, Ngoc Le Van Truong, Bao Quoc Tran, Petr Otahal, Seana Gall, Mark R Nelson, Thuy Bich Au, and Son Thai Ha.
National survey of risk factors for non-communicable disease in Vietnam: prevalence estimates and an assessment of their validity
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 498.
Journal Article
Dao, Thi Minh An, Van Minh Hoang, Thi Huong Le, Bao Giang Kim, Thi Thanh Xuan Le, Thi Quynh Nga Pham, and Jason Hsia.
Attitudes Toward Nonsmoking Policies and Tobacco Tax Increases: A Cross-sectional Study Among Vietnamese Adults
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 27, no. 2 (2015): NP947-NP957.
Journal Article
Pham, Hoai Danh, Huu Bao Han Nguyen, and Diep Tuan Tran.
Prevalence of ADHD in primary school children in Vinh Long, Vietnam
Pediatrics International 57, no. 5 (2015): 856-859.
Journal Article
Van Bui, Tan, Leigh C Blizzard, Khue Ngoc Luong, Ngoc Le Van Truong, Bao Quoc Tran, Petr Otahal, Velandai Srikanth, Mark R Nelson, Thuy Bich Au, and Son Thai Ha.
Alcohol consumption in Vietnam, and the use of ‘Standard Drinks’ to measure alcohol intake
Alcohol and Alcoholism 51, no. 2 (2015): 186-195.
Journal Article
Minh, Hoang Van, Kim Bao Giang, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Michael Palmer, Nguyen Phuong Thao, and Le Bach Duong.
Estimating the extra cost of living with disability in Vietnam
Global Public Health 10, no. sup1 (2015): S70-S79.
Showing 1-30 of 38