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Showing 1-30 of 73
Mehta, Shiv Rattan.
Social transformation of an island nation: Development wonder in Mauritius
: Gyan Publishing House, 2010.
Mehta, P C, and S Mehta.
Cultural Heritage of Indian Tribes
New Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House, 2007.
Working Paper
Mehta, Niti.
Changing Employment and Enterprise Structure in Gujarat: 1990-2005
Thesis or Dissertation
Kumar, Naveen.
Assessment of farm mechanization gaps and identification of farm machines to be developed alongwith their specifications in Haryana
Master of Technology, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology CCS Haryana Agricultural University, 2016.
Journal Article
Curry, Dora W, Jesse Rattan, Shuyuan Huang, and Elizabeth Noznesky.
Delivering High-Quality Family Planning Services in Crisis-Affected Settings II: Results
Global Health: Science and Practice 3, no. 1 (2015): 25-33.
Journal Article
Inoni, OE.
Effects of forest resources exploitation on the economic well-being of rural households in Delta State, Nigeria
Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 42, no. 1 (2009): 20-27.
Journal Article
Oladele, AT, AA Aiyeloja, and Q Aguma.
Economic Analysis of Cane Furniture Production in Rivers State, Nigeria
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4, no. 5 (2013): 31-39.
Journal Article
Rattan, Jesse, Elizabeth Noznesky, Dora Ward Curry, Christine Galavotti, Shuyuan Hwang, and Mariela Rodriguez.
Rapid contraceptive uptake and changing method mix with high use of long-acting reversible contraceptives in crisis-affected populations in Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Global Health: Science and Practice 4, no. Supplement 2 (2016): S5-S20.
Ingram, Verina, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Eric Maturin Nkamgnia, Jean Paul Eyebe, and Mathew Ngawe.
The bamboo production to consumption system in Cameroon
Mathur, Krishna M, Pragya M Kamur, Shiv S Mathur, and Nandita N Mathur.
New horizons in indian management
Delhi, India: Gyan Publishing House, 2010.
Rajakumar, P, Shiv Kumar, Shveta Uppal, Gautam Ganguly, and Benoy Banerjee.
Position paper: National focus group on: Education of children with special needs
New Delhi, India: Publication Department by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2006.
Das, Shiv Shankar.
Ambedkar-Buddhism in Uttar Pradesh (1951-2001): An Analysis of Demographic, Social, Economic and Political Developments
: RINDAS - The Center for the Study of Contemporary India, Ryukoku University.
Journal Article
Mekonnen, Fikru, Firew Mekbib, Shiv Kumar, Seid Ahmed, and Tilak R Sharma.
Agromorphological Traits Variability of the Ethiopian Lentil and Exotic Genotypes
(2014) Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Agriculture.
Someshwar, Shiv, Rizaldi Boer, and Esther Conrad.
Managing Peatland Fire Risk in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Journal Article
Singh, Shiv R, and K K Datta.
Understanding value addition in Indian dairy sector: Some perspectives
(2010) Agricultural Economics Research Review.
Working Paper
Vadlamannati C, Krishna.
Socioeconomic, Institutional & Political Determinants of Human Rights Abuse: A Subnational Study of India, 1993-2002
Journal Article
Govil, Dipti, Neetu Purohit, Shiv Dutt Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar Mohanty.
Out-of-pocket expenditure on prenatal and natal care post Janani Suraksha Yojana: a case from Rajasthan, India
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 35, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Singh, Shiv Kumar.
Breastfeeding practices among the Gond tribe of Mandla District of Madhya Pradesh
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 4, no. 7 (2016).
Journal Article
Meena, Reeta, Rameshwar Lal Suman, Pradeep Meena, and Shiv Lal Meena.
Myocardial performance index in severe acute malnutrition children aged 6 month to 5 years
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 3, no. 3 (2016): 833-836.
Journal Article
Raj, Singh Shiv, and K.K. Datta.
Leveraging Organized Dairy Industry for Smallholder Dairy Farmers
(2014) Agricultural Economics Research Review.
Thesis or Dissertation
Singh, Shiv Raj.
Economic analysis of Indian dairy processing industry.
Degree of doctor of philosophy in agricultural economics, NDRI, Karnal, 2014.
Amanyeiwe, Ugo, Laurel Hatt, Aneesa Arur, Amy Taye, Mona Mehta-Steffen, Maria C De Valdenebro, Kayode Ogungbemi, and Gilbert Kombe.
Nigeria HIV/AIDS service provision assessment 2008
: USAID, 2008.
Journal Article
Mehta, Jaya, and Shanta Venkatraman.
Poverty statistics: Bermicide's feast
(2000) Economic and Political Weekly.
Jha, Shikha, and Aashish Mehta.
Poverty, Inequality, and Inclusive Growth in Asia: Measurement, Policy Issues, and Country Studies
Mehta, P.
Education, Participation, and Empowerment: Studies in Human Development
New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company, 1995.
Working Paper
Mehta, Niti.
Resource-based Planning: Prerequisites for Decentralized Development
IASSI-Quarterly 31, no. 2 (2012): 1-23.
Working Paper
Bhatt, Rajshree J, Harshvardhan K Mehta, Vidita Khatri, and Jatin Chhaya.
A study of access and compliance of iron and folic acid tablets for prevention and cure of anaemia among adolescent age group females in Ahmedabad district of India surveyed under multi indicator cluster survey
Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health.
Working Paper
Mehta, Aasha Kapur, and Shashanka Bhide.
Issues in chronic poverty: panel data based analysis
(2002) Chronic Poverty Research Centre.
Journal Article
Mehta, Aasha Kapur, and Shashanka Bhide.
Chronic poverty in rural India, an analysis using panel data: issues and findings
Journal Article
Mehta, Sumi, Fiona Gore, Annette Pruss-Ustun, Eva Rehfuess, and Kirk Smith.
Modeling household solid fuel use towards reporting of the Millennium Development Goal indicator
Energy for Sustainable Development 10, no. 3 (2006): 36-45.
Showing 1-30 of 73