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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
André Villamar, Sebastián Alejandro, and Rafael Alejandro Larrú Gálvez. "Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la elaboración de pastas secas no rellenas a base de quinua, kiwicha y cañihua." Tesis para optar el Título de Ingeniero Industrial, Pontiifica Universidad Católica Del Perú. Facultad De Ciencias E Ingeniería, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Villamar Villarreal, Verónica L, and Johan H Alvarez Rivera. "Revisión sistemática de los métodos farmacológicos versus los métodos quirúrgicos en la finalización del embarazo en el primer trimestre." Titulo de Especialista en Ginecologia y Obstetricia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Ecuador, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ordóñez Avelino, Diana C, and Annabelle P Villamar Zambrano. "Creación De Una Microempresa De Comercialización De Ropa Juvenil Y De Muñecos Fofuchas Personalizados Hechos En Foami Ubicada En La Ciudad De Guayaquil." Título De Ingeniero En Gestión Empresarial, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, 2017.
Kraak, Andre, and Karen Press. Human resources development review 2008: Education, employment and skills in South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2003.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lincoln M, Kathryn. "The Use And Potential Of The Pita Plant, Aechmea Magdalenae (André) André Ex. Baker, In A Ngöbe Village: A Case Study Of Chalite, Bocas Del Toro, Panama." Degree of Master, Michigan Technological University, 2004.
Journal Article
Borgia, Fernando, Alexis Gularte, Ingrid Gabrielzyk, Marcela Azambuja, Jorge Soto, Miguel Corneo, Helena Giménez, Marlene Arraras, and Sebastián González Sebastián González. "De la Invisibilidad de la Situación de las Policlínicas Comunitarias-rurales en Uruguay a la Priorización de la Salud Rural como Política Pública." Saúde em Debate 36, no. 94 (2012): 421-435.
Thesis or Dissertation
Angel Ramirez, Valentina, Lina Juliet Bedoya Echeverri, Edison Alejandro Correa Lopez, and Jhona Sebastian Villada Villa. "Riesgo de depresión y factores asociados en adultos mayores institucionalizados en la red de asistencia social al adulto mayor.." título de especialista en epidemiologia, Universidad CES, 2017.
Gaviria, Alejandro, and Alejandro Hoyos. Anemia and child education: The case of Colombia. Bogota, Columbia: Universidad de los Andes–Facultad de Economía–Cede, 2010.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
ÁvilaI, María E, Belén Martínez-FerrerII, Alejandro Vera, Alejandro Bahena, and Gonzalo Musitu. "Victimización, percepción de inseguridad y cambios en las rutinas cotidianas en México." (2016) Revista de Saude Publica.
Working Paper
Brooks, Jonathan, Andre Croppenstedt, and Emmanuel Aggrey-Fynn. "Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Ghana." Agricultural Distortions Working Paper , no. 47 (2007).
Klap, Andre, Aung T Thet, Shamim Hamid, Abdul Hannan, Nicolas Tremblay, Martha Teas, Farah Ghuznavi, Subash Dasgupta, Jocelyne Beerda-Croes, Bishow Parajuli, Shams Mustafa, Ali Ashraf, Nabi I Khan, and Nurul Ameen. The common country assessment Bangladesh. : United Nations, 1999.
Journal Article
Renzaho M, Andre. "Mortality rates, prevalence of malnutrition, and prevalence of lost pregnancies among the drought-ravaged population of Tete Province, Mozambique." Prehospital and disaster medicine 22, no. 1 (2006): 26-34.
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Kraak, Andre, and Karen Press. Human Resources Development Review 2008: Education, Employment and Skills in South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 2007.
Kraak, Andre, and Helene Perold. Human resources development review 2003: Education, employment and skills in South Africa. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council, 2003.
Journal Article
Horn, André, and Gregory Breetzke. "Informing a crime strategy for the FIFA 2010 World Cup: A case study for the Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Tshwane, South Africa." Urban Forum 20, no. 1 (2009): 19-32.
Leste, André, Justin Valentin, and Françoise Hoareau. The SACMEQ II Project in Seychelles: A study of the conditions of schooling and the quality of education. Harare, Zimbabwe: SACMEQ, 2005.
Journal Article
Caleyachetty, Rishi, Christopher A Tait, Andre P Kengne, Camila Corvalan, Ricardo Uauy, and Justin B Echouffo-Tcheugui. "Tobacco use in pregnant women: analysis of data from Demographic and Health Surveys from 54 low-income and middle-income countries." The Lancet Global Health 2, no. 9 (2014): e513-e520.
Working Paper
Junqueira Caetano, André. "Diferenciais no acesso e uso de métodos contraceptivos modernos: Colômbia, Peru e Honduras." (2014) Cairo+ 20: perspectives of the population and sustainable development agenda beyond 2014 (Serie Investigaciones).
Working Paper
André, Pierre, and Sandrine Mesplé-Somps. "The Allocation of Public Goods and National Elections in Ghana." (2009)
Komenan, Andre, and Christiaan Grootaert. Teacher-nonteacher pay differences in Cote d'Ivoire. 1988.
Journal Article
Kengne, Andre, François Folefack Kaze, Anastase Dzudie, Pachel Awah, and Kattlen Ngu. "HIV/AIDS occurrence in the main university teaching hospital in Cameroon." Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 6, no. 1 (2007): 61.
Journal Article
Prost, Marc-André, Andreas Jahn, Sian Floyd Floyd, Hazzie Mvula, Eleneus Mwaiyeghele, Venance Mwinuka, Thomas Mhango, Amelia Crampin, Nuala McGrath, Paul Fine, and Judith. "Implication of new WHO growth standards on identification of risk factors and estimated prevalence of malnutrition in rural Malawian infants." PloS one 3, no. 7 (2008): e2684.
Laurent, Fourchard, André Mary, and René Otayek. Entreprises religieuses transnationales en Afrique de l'Ouest. : KARTHALA Editions, 2005.
Working Paper
Rigotti, José Rangel I, Cézar A Cerqueira, Juliana Ruas L Riani, and André B Golgher. "Parte II: Bases de Dados Educacionais."
Journal Article
Medici C, André. "A Mensuração da Subjetividade: Notas Sobre a Variável Renda nas PNADs." (1988) PNADs em foco—anos.
Working Paper
Rios-Neto, Eduardo Gonçalves L, and André B Golgher. "Parte III: Indicadores Alternativos de Educação."
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