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Showing 1-13 of 13
Journal Article
Lepretre, Annie, Idrissa Ba, Karine Lacombe, Maryvonne Maynart, Abdalla Toufik, Ousseynou Ndiaye, Coumba Toure Kane, Joël Gozlan, Judicaël Tine, and Ibrahim Ndoye.
Prevalence and behavioural risks for HIV and HCV infections in a population of drug users of Dakar, Senegal: the ANRS 12243 UDSEN study
Journal of the International AIDS Society 18, no. 1 (2015).
Working Paper
Ndoye, Ousseynou, Manuel Ruiz Pérez, and Antoine Eyebe.
Les marchés des produits forestiers non ligneux dans la zone de forêt humide du Cameroun
Sy, Moussa, Mamadou Khouma, Marie Gueth S Ndong, Ndèye Y Badiane, Youga Niang, Mohamed O Diagne, Mouhamadou L Dial, Idy Niang, and Ousseynou Diop.
Renforcer la Résilience des Systèmes Agricoles Urbaines: Évaluer l’Agriculture Urbaine et Périurbaine à Dakar, Sénégal
Nairobi, Kenya: PNUE, 2014.
Journal Article
Oikawa, Miyuki, A Sonke, Elhadji Ousseynou Faye, Papa Ndiaye, Mohamed Diadhiou, and Masahide Kondo.
Assessment of maternal satisfaction with facility-based childbirth care in the rural region of Tambacouda, Senegal
African journal of reproductive health 18, no. 4 (2015): 95-104.
Journal Article
Mbengue, Mouhamed Abdou Salam, Moussa Sarr, Adama Faye, Ousseynou Badiane, Fatou Bintou Niang Camara, Souleymane Mboup, and Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye.
Determinants of complete immunization among senegalese children aged 12-23 months: evidence from the demographic and health survey
BMC public health 17, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Sunderlin, William D, O. Ndoye, H. Bikie, N. Laporte, B. Mertens, and J. Pokam.
Economic Crisis, Small-scale Agriculture, and Forest Cover Change in Southern Cameroon
Environmental Conservation 27, no. 03 (2000): 284-290.
Working Paper
Ndoye A, Abdoul Junior.
Measuring Returns to Education and Decomposition of Rural-Urban Inequality: Evidence from Senegal
Journal Article
Backiny-Yetna, Prospere, Mayacine Camara, Djibril Ndoye, Papa T Ndiaye, Clarence Tsimpo, and Quentin Wodon.
Progress under the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy of Senegal
(2011) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 34419.
Working Paper
Diagne, Abdoulaye, François J Cabral, Amen Doveodo, Marème Ndoye, and Khady Kane.
Evaluation de L’impact des Programmes de Cantines Scolaires sur les Performances des Ecoles Primaires Rurales au Senegal
Working Paper
Ndoye, Djibril, Franck Adoho, Prospère Backiny-Yetna, Mariama Fall, Papa T Ndaye, and Quentin Wodon.
Tendance et Profil de la Pauvreté au Sénégal de 1994 à 2006
(2010) Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 27751.
Working Paper
Ndoye K, Abdou.
Des Determinants Socio-Economiques de la Reussite Scolaire des Filles a la Fin de L’ecole Elementaire au Senegal
Journal Article
Moungbakou, Ibrahim Bienvenu Mouliom.
Concurrence des thérapeutiques traditionnelles et biomédicales dans la lutte contre le paludisme à l’extrême-nord du Cameroun
Journal des Anthropologues , no. 3 (2014).
Journal Article
Zobrist, Stephanie, Nikhila Kalra, Gretel Pelto, Brittney Wittenbrink, Peiman Milani, Abdoulaye Moussa Diallo, Tidiane Ndoye, Issa Wone, and Megan Parker.
Results of Applying Cultural Domain Analysis Techniques and Implications for the Design of Complementary Feeding Interventions in Northern Senegal
(2017) Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
Showing 1-13 of 13