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Showing 1-30 of 127
Journal Article
Türkyilmaz, Ahmet Sinan, Ismet Koc, Rudolf Schumacher, and Oona Maeve Renee Campbell.
The Turkey national maternal mortality study
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 14, no. 1 (2009): 75-82.
Journal Article
Afarani, Amirhossein Soltani, Gholamreza Ghodrati Amiri, and Seyed Ali Razavian Amrei.
Peak Ground Acceleration on Bedrock and Uniform Seismic Hazard Spectra for Different Regions of Golpayegan, Iran
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 4, no. 5 (2014): 68-73.
Journal Article
Houweling, Tanja A, Carine Ronsmans, Oona M Campbell, and Anton E Kunst.
Huge poor-rich inequalities in maternity care: an international comparative study of maternity and child care in developing countries
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 85, no. 10 (2007): 745-754.
Conference Paper
Cleland, John, John Blacker, Susannah Mayhew, and Oona Campbell.
The impact of population growth on the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals
All Party Parliamentary Group on Population and Reproductive Health.
March 17, 2006.
Journal Article
Campbell, Oona, Lauren Mustarde, Nevine F Hassanein, and Karima Khalil.
How Egypt has overcome the challenges
(2010) Maternal and Infant Deaths: Chasing Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5.
Journal Article
McDonald, Andrea M, and Oona M Campbell.
How twins differ: multiple pregnancy and the use of health care in the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey
(2012) Tropical Medicine & International Health.
Journal Article
Campbell, Oona, Reginald Gipson, Ayman El Mohandes, Adel Issa, Nahed Matta, Esmat Mansour, and Lamiaa Mohsen.
The Egypt national perinatal/neonatal mortality study 2000
Journal of perinatology 24, no. 5 (2004): 284-289.
Journal Article
Campbell, Oona, Reginald Gipson, Adel Issa, Nahed Matta, Botheena El Deeb, Ayman El Mohandes, Anna Alwen, and Esma Mansour.
National maternal mortality ratio in Egypt halved between 1992-93 and 2000
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83, no. 6 (2005): 462-471.
Journal Article
Gabrysch, Sabine, Simon Cousens, Jonathan Cox, and Oona Campbell.
The influence of distance and level of care on delivery place in rural Zambia: a study of linked national data in a geographic information system
PLoS medicine 8, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Magoma, Moke, Jennifer Requejo, Mario Merialdi, Oona Campbell, Simon Cousens, and Veronique Filippi.
How much time is available for antenatal care consultations? Assessment of the quality of care in rural Tanzania
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 11, no. 1 (2011): 64.
Journal Article
Gabrysch, Sabine, Virginia Simushi, and Oona MR Campbell.
Availability and distribution of, and geographic access to emergency obstetric care in Zambia
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 114, no. 2 (2011): 174-179.
Journal Article
Ononge, Sam, Oona MR Campbell, Frank Kaharuza, James J Lewis, Katherine Fielding, and Florence Mirembe.
Effectiveness and safety of misoprostol distributed to antenatal women to prevent postpartum haemorrhage after child-births: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Campbell, Oona MR, Estela ML Aquino, Bellington Vwalika, and Sabine Gabrysch.
Signal functions for measuring the ability of health facilities to provide abortion services: an illustrative analysis using a health facility census in Zambia
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Singh, Samiksha, Pat Doyle, Oona MR Campbell, GVR Rao, and GVS Murthy.
Transport of pregnant women and obstetric emergencies in India: an analysis of the ‘108’ambulance service system data
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Powell-Jackson, Timothy, David Macleod, Lenka Benova, Caroline Lynch, and Oona MR Campbell.
The role of the private sector in the provision of antenatal care: a study of Demographic and Health Surveys from 46 low-and middle-income countries
Tropical medicine & international health 20, no. 2 (2015): 230-239.
Reid, Robin S, Helen Gichohi, Mohammed Y Said, David Nkedianye, Joseph O Ogutu, Mrigesh Kshatriya, Patti Kristjanson, Shem C Kifugo, Jasphat L Agatsiva, and Samuel A Adanje.
Fragmentation in Semi-Arid and Arid Landscapes
: Springer, 2008.
Journal Article
Campbell K, Eugene.
Brain drain potential in Botswana
International Migration 45, no. 5 (2007): 115-145.
Working Paper
Pennington, Renee.
Did food increase fertility? Evaluation of! Kung and Herero history
Journal Article
Marock, Carmel, and Renee Grawitzky.
Employment policy implementation mechanisms in South Africa
(2014) Employment Policy Department EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 159 ILO.
Conference Paper
Blaauw, Renée.
The Double Burden Of Malnutrition
ESPEN Congress Copenhagen 2016, Nutrition In Developing Countries.
Journal Article
Singh, Susheela, Deirdre Wulf, Renee Samara, and Yvette P Cuca.
Gender differences in the timing of first intercourse: data from 14 countries
International Family Planning Perspectives 26, no. 1 (2000): 21-28.
Journal Article
Singh, Susheela, and Renee Samara.
Early marriage among women in developing countries
(1996) International family planning perspectives.
Journal Article
Hsia, Renee Y, Naboth A Mbembati, Sarah Macfarlane, and Margaret E Kruk.
Access to emergency and surgical care in sub-Saharan Africa: the infrastructure gap
(2011) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Brazier, Ellen, Renee Fiorentino, Saidou Barry, Yaya Kasse, and Sita Millimono.
Rethinking How to Promote Maternity Care-Seeking: Factors Associated with Institutional Delivery in Guinea
Health Care for Women International 35, no. 7-9 (2014): 878-895.
Journal Article
Brazier, Ellen, Renée Fiorentino, Mamadou Saidou Barry, and Moustapha Diallo.
The Value of Building Health Promotion Capacities within Communities: Evidence from a Maternal Health Intervention in Guinea
(2014) Health Policy and Planning.
Journal Article
Landry, Evelyn, Celia Pett, Renee Fiorentino, Joseph Ruminjo, and Cristina Mattison.
Assessing the Quality of Record Keeping for Cesarean Deliveries: Results from a Multicenter Retrospective Record Review in Five Low-Income Countries
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 14, no. 139 (2014).
Journal Article
Sylvain, Renee.
At the Intersections: San women and the rights of indigenous peoples in Africa
The International Journal of Human Rights 15, no. 1 (2011): 89-110.
Journal Article
Torre, Renee, and Cristina Zuniga.
Tendencias a la pluralidad y la diversificacion del paisaje religioso en el Mexico contemporaneo
Sociedade e Estado 23, no. 2 (2008): 381-424.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ness, Lisa Renee.
Flooding, Drought and Migration: The Environmental and Socio-Economic Nexus in Cambodia
Master of Arts, Texas State University, 2015.
Working Paper
Giovarelli, Renée.
Are Rural Women Disadvantaged in Asset Ownership and Business Relations in the Kyrgyz Republic?
Showing 1-30 of 127