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Journal Article
Garcia, Jose Odon Garcia, and Odette Virginia Delfin Ortega. "Desenvolvimiento Economico y Migracion en Michoacan, 1980-2010." CIMEXUS 7, no. 2 (2015): 41-63.
Thesis or Dissertation
Daza Cano, Olga Lucia, and Jose David Diaz Colorado. "Estudio de factibilidad para la creacion de una empresa dedicada a la produccion y comercializacion de postres frios en el municipio de la Virginia (Risaralda)." Título de Tecnólogo Industrial, Pereira: Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, 2016.
Journal Article
Velasco-Roldán, Nidya, Sara Torres-Castro, Mariana López-Ortega, César Alfredo González-González, and Martha Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez. "Investigación social en envejecimiento y vejez: perspectiva del Instituto Nacional de Geriatría." (2014) Hitos Demograficos del Siglo XXI: Envejecimiento.
Argueta, Otto, Sebastian Huhn, Sabine Kurtenbach, and Peter Peetz. Blocked Democracies in Central America. 2011.
Journal Article
Go, Delfin, Denis Nikitin, Xiongjian Wang, and Heng-fu Zou. "Poverty and inequality in sub-Saharan Africa: Literature survey and empirical assessment." Annals of Economics and Finance 8, no. 2 (2007): 251-304.
Working Paper
Go, Delfin, Marna Kearney, Vijdan Korman, Sherman Robinson, and Karen Thierfelder. "Wage Subsidy and Labor Market Flexibility in South Africa." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4871 1, no. 1 (2009): 1-42.
Working Paper
Essama-Nssah, B, Delfin Go, Marna Kearney, Vijdan Korman, Sherman Robinson, and Karen Thierfelder. "Economy-wide and distributional impacts of an oil price shock on the South African economy." Worls Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4354 1, no. 1 (2007): 1-57.
Journal Article
Mupfasoni, Denise, Blaise Karibushi, Artemis Koukounari, Eugene Ruberanziza, Teddy Kaberuka, Michael Kramer, Odette Mukabayire, Michey Kabera, Vianney Nizeyimana, and Marie-Alice Deville. "Polyparasite helminth infections and their association to anaemia and undernutrition in Northern Rwanda." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 3, no. 9 (2009): e517.
Journal Article
Ntahobakurira, Isaac, Simon Antara, Tura B Galgalo, Jean B Kakoma, Corine Karema, Thierry Nyatanyi, Rutagwenda Theogene, Odette Mukabayire, David Lowrance, Pratima Raghunathan, Nicholas Ayebazibwe, David Mukanga, Peter Nsubuga, and Agnes Binagwaho. "The Rwanda Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program: Training Skilled Disease Detectives." Pan African Medical Journal 10, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Nyatanyi, Thierry, Richard Nkunda, Joseph Rukelibuga, Rakhee Palekar, Marie A Muhimpundu, Adeline Kabeja, Alice Kabanda, David Lowrance, Stefano Tempia, Jean B Koama, David McAlister, Odette Mukabayire, Justin Wane, Pratima Raghunathan, Mark Katz, and Corine Karema. "Influenza Sentinel Surveillance in Rwanda, 2008-2010." Journal of Infectious Diseases 206, no. suppl 1 (2012): S74-S79.
Journal Article
Milosavljevic, Vivian, and Odette Tacla. "Incorporando un módulo de uso del tiempo a las encuestas de hogares: restricciones y potencialidades." (2007)
Thesis or Dissertation
Lewycka, Sonia Odette. "Reducing maternal and neonatal deaths in rural Malawi: evaluating the impact of a community-based women’s group intervention." Doctoral Thesis, UCL (University College London), 2011.
Journal Article
Grosso, Ashley L, Sosthenes Ketende, Kim Dam, Erin Papworth, Henri G Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, and Stefan Baral. "Structural determinants of health among women who started selling sex as minors in Burkina Faso." (2015) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Journal Article
Pérez Izquierdo, Odette, Sara Elena Pérez-Gil Romo, Chimas Dzul, and Ana Elizabeth. "Índice de masa corporal y percepción de mujeres mayas obesas de Quintana Roo, México." Población y Salud en Mesoamérica 14, no. 1 (2016): 58-82.
Thesis or Dissertation
Abrahams, Odette Natasha. "Occupations and breast cancer in women treated at a tertiary hospital in Johannesburg." Master of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, 2015.
Stone, Leslie F, Alejandro Soriano, Oliver Azuara Herrera, Benjamin Roseth, Odette Maciel, Maria Paula Mendieta Umana, Danya Churanek, Carlos Morales, Victor Beltran, and Maria Elena Corrales. Evaluacion de Programa de Pais: Colombia (2011-2014). : Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2015.
Journal Article
Akono, Patrick Ntonga, Jean Arthur Mbida Mbida, Calvin Tonga, Philippe Belong, Odette Etoile Ngo Hondt, Gaelle Tamdem Magne, Marie Florence Peka, and Leopold Gustave Lehman. "Impact of vegetable crop agriculture on anopheline agressivity and malaria transmission in urban and less urbanized settings of the south region of Cameroon." Parasites & Vectors 8, no. 1 (2015): 293.
Thesis or Dissertation
Marinez Ortega, Amalia Erika. "La importancia del juego como estrategia didactica para lograr el desarrollo social en el nino que cursa la educacion preescolar." Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, 2011.
Ortega, Mariana Lopez, and Javier Enrique Jimenez Bolon. Envejecimiento y dependencia.
Ortega-Gaucin, David. Sequía en Nuevo León: Vulnerabilidad, Impactos Y Estrategias de Mitigación. : INSTITUTO DEL AGUA DE NL, 2012.
Ng Teajan Ortega, Maria Jesus. Del rancho a la colonia: construccion de las identidades en el proceso de urbanizacion de una colonia popular en Xalapa, Mexico. : Editorial de la Universidad de Granada, 2013.
Working Paper
Fuente Hernandez, Javier, Laura Ortega, Karina Quintero, and Juan Manuel Rivera. "Bono demografico: retos y oportunidades para favorecer el desarrollo en el estado de Guanajuato." (2012)
Working Paper
Alvarez, Roberto, Claudio Bravo Ortega, and Lucas Navarro. "The Effect of Product Mix Changes on Productivity among Chilean Manufacturing Plants." (2009)
Journal Article
Whyte, Robert, Celia Ortega, and Carlos Griffin. "Investment Regulation and Promotion: Can They Coexist in One Body?." Global Investment In Practice 2, no. 16 (2011).
Conference Paper
Ortega C, Fernando. "Quantile Regression Decomposition of the Urban-Rural Labor Income Gap in Ecuador: The Role of Quantities, Returns and Residuals." The Solidarity Economics in Ecuador: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Economics. 2017.
Working Paper
Ortega E, Daniel. "Human development of peoples." (2009) Human Development Research Paper No. 2009/04.
Working Paper
Barreto Cepeda, Laura Carolina, and Alberto Jose Naranjo. "Determinantes sociales del acceso a la salud en Colombia para 2008." (2013)
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