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Showing 1-16 of 16
Journal Article
Gasques, José G, Eliana T Bastos, Constanza Valdes, and Mirian Bacchi.
Produtividade e Crescimento – Algumas Comparações
(2013) Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento.
Thesis or Dissertation
Jácome, Mirian E, and M Mirian.
Las Políticas de Protección para los Migrantes Ecuatorianos en el Exterior
Título de Máster, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, 2004.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nudelman, Craig.
Language in South Africa's higher education transformation: a study of language policies at four universities
Master of Philosophy in Justice and Transformation , University of Cape Town, 2015.
Working Paper
Bacchi, Alessia.
The contributions of highly-skilled migrants to the development of their country of origin: highly-skilled Egyptian migrants in the OECD countries
Thesis or Dissertation
Frenguelli, Alessia Bacchi.
Migration and Development Nexus and Egyptian Highly-Skilled Migrants in Austria
Doctor of Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Instituto Universitario “General Gutiérrez Mellado”, 2015.
Working Paper
Tukhashvili, Mirian.
Refugees and displaced persons in Georgia
(2013) Carim East Consortium For Applied Research on International Migration.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sisa I, Mirian Quisintuña.
El crédito en la microempresa de Ecuador: factores que intervienen en su accesibilidad.
Título De Maestría, Facultad Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lombeida G, Mirian Aveiga.
Estructuración De La Operadora De Turismo !-Tour
Thesis, UDET, 2015.
Journal Article
Torres, Rosa Elena Mejia, Dora Nelly Franco Garcia, Gustavo Adolfo Fontecha Sandoval, Adriana Hernandez Santana, Prabhjot Singh, Sandra Tamara Mancero Bucheli, Martha Saboya, and Mirian Yolanda Paz.
Prevalence and Intensity of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis, Prevalence of Malaria and Nutritional Status of School Going Children in Honduras
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 10 (2014).
Journal Article
Martins, Mirian de S. L. T, and Thaiana Rodrigues.
Considerações a Respeito da Vida de Mulheres Trabalhadoras de Mais Idade das Camadas Populares (Considerations about the Life of Older Women Workers of the Popular Strata)
Revista Kairós Gerontologia 16, no. 2 (2013): 179-194.
Thesis or Dissertation
Silva Hernández R, Mirian.
Impacto de las Unidades Económicas Populares en la Generación de Empleo en el Cantón Sigsig, con Información Primaria
Thesis, Universidad de Cuenca, 2015.
Conference Paper
Ribeiro, Mirian M, Ignez Oliva H Perpétuo, and Mônica V Andrade.
Padrões Etários de Utilização de Serviços de Saúde no Brasil por Sexo e Cobertura por Plano de Saúde
XV Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais.
Brasil, Setembro 18-22, 2006.
Journal Article
Semedo, Rosa ML, Marta MAS Santos, Mirian R Baiao, Ronir R Luiz, and Gloria V Veiga.
Prevalence of anaemia and associated factors among children below five years of age in Cape Verde, West Africa
Journal of health, population, and nutrition 32, no. 4 (2014): 646-657.
Working Paper
Alfonso, Selva Jazmín Acosta, Mirian Noemí Vázquez Zaracho , and Eliana Patricia Velasques Rodríguez.
Calidad de atención en enfermería entre del Hospital Regional de Ciudad del Este durante los meses de junio-agosto de 2010
Tukhashvili, Mirian, and Mzia Shelia.
The impact of labor emigration on the demographic and economic development of Georgia in the post-Soviet period
: CARIM-East, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Saltos G, Mirian Almeida.
Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa de servicio de lavado ecológico de vehículos a domicilio en la provincia de Pichincha, Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, parroquia de Cumbaya para el ano 2016
Título De Ingeniera Comercial, Universidad Internacional Del Ecuador, 2016.
Showing 1-16 of 16