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Showing 1-30 of 451
Thesis or Dissertation
Kanza, Mary Geoffrey.
Evaluation of Feasibility of NGO Activities to Strengthen Social Economic Status of Youth Living with HIV: A Case of PASADA in Temeke Municipality
Master in Social Work, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Journal Article
Namulanda, Victor Wanjala.
The Analysis of HIV/AIDs Trend at Mary Immaculate VCT Nairobi-Kenya: Ten Years Evaluation Report, 2013.
Clinical Social Work 5, no. 2 (2014): 87-94.
Journal Article
Hermkens, Anna-Karina.
Josephine's Journey: Gender-based Violence and Marian Devotion in Urban Papua New Guinea
Oceania 78, no. 2 (2008): 151-167.
Journal Article
Faisel, H., R. Pittrof, M. El-Hosini, M. Habib, and E. Azzam.
Using standard primipara method to compare the quality of maternity care in Cairo and London
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 29, no. 4 (2009): 284-287.
Journal Article
Ekesa, Beatrice Nakhauka, Mary K Walingo, and Mary Abukutsa-Onyango.
Dietary diversity, nutrition status and morbidity of pre-school children in Matungu division, Western Kenya
International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 2, no. 2 (2009): 131-144.
Journal Article
Hadley, Mary B, and Mary Tuba.
Local problems; local solutions: an innovative approach to investigating and addressing causes of maternal deaths in Zambia's Copperbelt
Reproductive Health 8, no. 1 (2011): 17.
Journal Article
Oduro-Mensah, Ebenezer, Aku Kwamie, Edward Antwi, Sarah Amissah Bamfo, Helen Mary Bainson, Benjamin Marfo, Mary Amoakoh Coleman, Diederick E Grobbee, and Irene Akua Agyepong.
Care decision making of frontline providers of maternal and newborn health services in the greater accra region of Ghana
PloS One 8, no. 2 (2013).
Journal Article
Deshpande, Satish, and Mary E John.
The Politics of Not Counting Caste-Satish Deshpande, Mary E John
Economic and Political Weekly 45, no. 25 (2010): 39-42.
Conference Paper
Lee, Elizabeth, Jane Alsofrom, Mary Streeter, Anjuli Cherukuri, Kristen DeStigter, John Kisandi Bwambale, Mary Angela Njeri, Jane Frances Anyango, and Matovu Alphonsus.
Obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound training at the Uganda nursing school Bwindi: Initial experiences and challenges
Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2015 .
Journal Article
Slogrove, Amy L, Mary Mahy, Alice Armstrong, and Mary-Ann Davies.
Living and dying to be counted: What we know about the epidemiology of the global adolescent HIV epidemic
Journal of the International AIDS Society 20, no. 4 (2017).
Journal Article
Mahy, Mary, Martina Penazzato, Andrea Ciaranello, Lynne Mofenson, Constantin T Yianoutsos, Mary-Ann Davies, and John Stover.
Improving estimates of children living with HIV from the Spectrum AIDS Impact Model
(2017) AIDS.
Journal Article
Jack, Susan J, Kevanna Ou, Mary Chea, Lan Chhin, Robyn Devenish, Mary Dunbar, Chanthol Eang, Kroeun Hou, Sokhoing Ly, and Mengkheang Khin.
Effect of micronutrient sprinkles on reducing anemia: a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 166, no. 9 (2012): 842-850.
Working Paper
Simtowe, Franklin, Bekele Shiferaw, Solomon Asfaw, Abate Tsedeke, Emmanuel Monyo, Moses Siambi, and Geoffrey Muricho.
Socioeconomic assessment of baseline pigeonpea and groundnut production conditions, farmer technology choice, market linkages, institutions and poverty in rural Malawi
Lancaster, Geoffrey, and Ranjan Ray.
International poverty comparisons on unit record data of developing and developed Countries
Journal Article
McNicoll, Geoffrey.
Achievers and laggards in demographic transition: a comparison of Indonesia and Nigeria
(2011) Population and Development review.
Conference Paper
McNicoll, Geoffrey.
Legacy and policy in fertility transition: A comparative study of Indonesia and Nigeria
International Population Conference of the IUSSP.
Marrakech, Morocco, 2009.
Journal Article
Balisacan, Arsenio M, and Geoffrey M Ducanes.
Inequality in Asia: a synthesis of recent research on the levels, trends, effects and determinants of inequality in its different dimensions
(2006) The Inter-Regional Inequality Facility.
Haslett, Stephen, and Geoffrey Jones.
Potential for Small Area Estimation and Poverty Mapping in Timor-Leste
Journal Article
McNicoll, Geoffrey.
Recent Demographic Trends in Indonesia
Population and Development Review 8, no. 4 (1982): 811-819.
Working Paper
Ducanes, Geoffrey.
The case of the missing remittances in the FIES: could it be causing us to mismeasure welfare changes?
Journal Article
Burhoo, Mr Premduth, Mr Deowan Mohee, Mrs Leelmanee Moussa, Marie France Lan Cheong Wah, Geoffrey T Fong, Mr Pete Driezen, Miss Lisa Hickman, Anne CK Quah, and Ms Janine Ouimet.
ITC Mauritius Country Investigators
Journal Article
Dean, Geoffrey, and John F Kurtzke.
On the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis According to Age at Immigration to South Africa
BMJ 3, no. 5777 (1971): 725-729.
Journal Article
Dean, Geoffrey.
Annual Incidence, Prevalence, and Mortality of Multiple Sclerosis in White South-African-born and in White Immigrants to South Africa
Br Med J 2, no. 5554 (1967): 724-730.
Working Paper
Smith, Geoffrey.
The Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway: A Critical Study
Journal Article
Atelu, Geoffrey R, Nancy Duah, and Michael D Wilson.
Carriage of sub-microscopic sexual and asexual Plasmodium falciparum stages in the dry season at Navrongo, Ghana
Ghana Medical Journal 50, no. 4 (2016): 220-227.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Geoffrey, Pushkar Maitra, and Ranjan Ray.
Endogenous intra-household balance of power and its impact on expenditure patterns: Evidence from India
Economica 73, no. 291 (2006): 435-460.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Geoffrey, Pushkar Maitra, and Ranjan Ray.
Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: Evidence from selected Indian states
Oxford Development Studies 36, no. 2 (2008): 133-157.
Journal Article
Cremin, Ide, Simon Cauchemez, Geoffrey P Garnett, and Simon Gregson.
Patterns of uptake of HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa in the pre-treatment era
Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 8 (2012): e26-e37.
Journal Article
Coondoo, Dipankor, Amita Majumder, Geoffrey Lancaster, and Ranjan Ray.
Alternative approaches to measuring temporal changes in poverty with application to India
Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences 4, no. 1 (2008).
Journal Article
Keim, Geoffrey N, and Beth A Wilson.
India's future: it's about jobs
(2007) FRB International Finance Discussion Paper.
Showing 1-30 of 451