
Showing 1-4 of 4
Thesis or Dissertation
Fawcett, Lubayna. "Somali Refugee Women and Their US Healthcare Providers: Knowledge, Perceptions and Experiences of Childbearing." A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy, Arizona State University, 2014.
Journal Article
Bush, Glen K, Mireille Ikirezi, Giuseppe Daconto, Maryke Gray, and Katie Fawcett. "Assessing impacts from community conservation interventions around Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda." (2010) Study funded by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA).
Journal Article
Schuurman, Nadine, Jonathan Cinnamon, Blake Byron Walker, Vanessa Fawcett, Andrew Nicol, Syed Morad Hameed, and Richard Matzopoulos. "Intentional injury and violence in Cape Town, South Africa: an epidemiological analysis of trauma admissions data." Global health action 8, no. 10 (2015).
Journal Article
Farmer, Lachlan, Cecilia Innes-Wong, Caroline Bergman-Hart, Robert J Casson, and John Crompton. "Visual Acuity, Quality of Life and Visual Function Outcomes after Cataract Surgery in Bali." Ophthalmic epidemiology 22, no. 4 (2015): 274-282.
Showing 1-4 of 4