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Journal Article
Pinho França, Lucia Freitas H, Gustavo S Menezes, Pedro F Bendassolli, and Luciani Silva S Macedo. "Aposentar-se ou Continuar Trabalhando? O que Influencia Essa Decisão?." Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão 33, no. 3 (2013): 548-563.
Journal Article
Menezes-Filho, Naércio, and Ligia Vasconcellos. "Has economic growth been pro-poor in Brazil? Why?." (2004) “Operationalising Pro- Poor Growth”.
Journal Article
Menezes-Filho, Naercio, and Ligia Vasconcellos. "Operationalizing pro-poor growth: the Brazilian case approach note."
Birdsall, Nancy, and Rachel Menezes. Toward a new social contract in Latin America. 2004.
Murthy, Ganga, Ravi N Kar, T R Dilip, Lysander Menezes, Bodh Raj, L Sankar, Poonam, and Sunil Nandraj. National health accounts India 2001-2002. New Delhi, India: National Health Accounts Cell, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2005.
Book Section
Menezes-Filho A, Naercio. "Critical Decisions at a Critical Age: Adolescents and Young Adults in Latin America." (2003) Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: How Do They Decide to Allocate their Time?.
Book Section
Menezes, Tatiane, Bernardo Campolina, Fernando G Silveira, Luciana M Servo, and Sérgio F Piola. "Gasto e Consumo das Famílias Brasileiras Contemporâneas." (2005) O Gasto e a Demanda das Famílias Em Saúde: Uma Análise a Partir da Pof de 2002-2003.
Working Paper
Menezes, Andrey I, and Marina S Cunha. "Evidências Sobre a Duração do Desemprego no Brasil no Período Recente."
Journal Article
Menezes, Tatiane A, and Paulo A Monte. "Relação entre o Tipo de Contrato de Trabalho e a Dedicação do Trabalhador no Emprego: Evidências para as Regiões Metropolitanas Brasileiras." Nova Economia 23, no. 1 (2013): 51-72.
Thesis or Dissertation
Menezes L, Francisca Souza. "Decomposição dos Diferenciais de Rendimentos entre Os Trabalhadores Brasileiros por Quantis e Categorias Ocupacionais." Grau de Mestre, Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2013.
Conference Paper
Da Silva, Carlos Soares J, Maria Jaqueline G Santos Menezes, and Cynira Espinhara M Brandão. "Urbana Legio Omnia Vincit: Com Arte ou Participando da Indústria Cultural?." XV Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação na Região Nordeste. Junho 12-14, 2013.
Conference Paper
Menezes, Francisca Livia S, Ronaldo A Arraes, and Andrei G Simonass. "Earning Differentials by Occupational Categories and Discrimination: Gender, Race and Regions." XLI Encontro Nacional de Economia (Proceedings of the 41th Brazilian Economics Meeting). 2014.
Working Paper
Menezes-Filho, Naercio A, Reynaldo Fernández, Paulo Picchetti, Ricardo P De Barros, Carlos H Corseuil, Miguel Fogel, Daniel Santos, Simone Wajnman, and Maria C Leme. "Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: Examining Time Allocation Decisions with Cross-Country Data." (2002) Inter-American Development Bank.
Journal Article
Wehrmeister, Fernando C, Ana Baptista M Menezes, Andreia M Cascaes, Jeovany Martínez-Mesa, and Aluisio D. J Barros. "Tendência Temporal de Asma em Crianças e Adolescentes no Brasil no Período de 1998 a 2008." Revista de Saude Publica 46, no. 2 (2012): 242-250.
Journal Article
De Araújo, Ludgleydson F, Maria Lima P Coutinho, and Virgínia Menezes Lucena  Carvalho. "Representações Sociais da Velhice entre Idosos que Participam de Grupos de Convivência." Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão 25, no. 1 (2005): 118-131.
Journal Article
Carvalho, Andréa K, Ana Maria B Menezes, Aquiles Camelier, Fernanda W Rosa, Oliver A Nascimento, Rogelio Perez-Padilla, and José R Jardim. "Prevalence of Self-reported Chronic Diseases in Individuals over the Age of 40 in São Paulo, Brazil: the Platino study." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 28, no. 5 (2012): 905-912.
Journal Article
Subba, SH, VS Binu, RG Menezes, J Ninan, and MS Rana. "Tobacco chewing and associated factors among youth of Western Nepal: A cross-sectional study." Indian Journal of Community Medicine 36, no. 2 (2011): 128-132.
Journal Article
Binu, VS, SH Subba, RG Menezes, Ganesh Kumar, Jefy Ninan, MS Rana, Shovit Khadka Chhetri, KM Sabu, and K Nagraj. "Smoking among Nepali youth - prevalence and predictors." Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention 11, no. 1 (2010): 221-226.
Journal Article
Beals, Ralph E, and Carmen F Menezes. "Migrant labour and agricultural output in Ghana." Oxford Economic Papers 22, no. 1 (1970): 109-127.
Journal Article
Kakietek, Jakub, Antonio Castro Henriques, Linda Schultz, Michelle Mehta, Julia Dayton Eberwein, Jonathan Kweku Akuoku, Ivone Menezes Moreira, Fanceni Henriques Balde, Edson C Araujo, and Meera Shekar. "Scaling Up Nutrition in Guinea-Bissau." (2017) Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP).
Thesis or Dissertation
Menezes, Bernardo Kessongo. "Harmonizaccao da grafia toponimica do municipio de Benguela." Mestrado em Terminologia e Gestão da Informação de Especialidade, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2015.
Journal Article
Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, PV Kishore, Jagadish Paudel, and Ritesh G Menezes. "Prevalence and correlates of tobacco use amongst junior collegiates in twin cities of western Nepal: a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey." BMC Public Health 8, no. 1 (2008).
Working Paper
Duryea, Suzanne, Gustavo Marquez, Carmen Pagés, and Stefano Scarpetta. "Jobs and earnings mobility in a sample of developing and emerging economies." (2007)
Working Paper
Duryea, Suzanne, Gustavo Marquez, Carmen Pagés, and Stefano Scarpetta. "For better of for worse? Jobs and earnings mobility in nine developing and emerging economies [sic]." (2006)
Working Paper
Valdés, Alberto, William Foster, Gustavo Anríquez, Carlo Azzarri, Katia Covarrubias, Benjamin Davis, Stefania DiGiuseppe, Tim Essam, Tom Hertz, Ana P de la O, Esteban Quiñones, Kostas Stamoulis, Paul Winters, and Alberto Zezza. "A profile of the rural poor." (2010) Background Paper for IFAD Rural Poverty Report 2010.
Working Paper
Anríquez, Gustavo, and Genny Bonomi. "Long-term farming and rural demographic trends." (2007) Background Paper for the World Development Report 2008.
Fuentes, Juan Alberto, Edgar Balsells, and Gustavo Arriola. Guatemala: human development progress towards the MDGs at the sub-national level. 2002.
Angeles, Gustavo, Jason Dietrich, David Guilkey, Dominic Mancini, Thomas Mroz, Amy Tsui, and Feng Y Zhang. A meta-analysis of the impact of family planning programs on fertility preferences, contraceptive method choice and fertility. Chapel Hill, USA: Carolina Population Center, 2001.
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