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Showing 1-30 of 96
Journal Article
Khan, K Aklimunnessa, Kabir, M Kabir, and M Mori.
Tobacco consumption and its association with illicit drug use among men in Bangladesh
Addiction 101, no. 8 (2006): 1178-1186.
Journal Article
Marshall, Gul A, and Allan L Furr.
Factors That Affect Women's Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence in Turkey
Violence and Victims 25, no. 2 (2010): 265-277.
Journal Article
Osawa, Yoko, Kazuhiko Fujita, Yu Umezawa, Hajime Kayanne, Yoichi Ide, Tatsutoshi Nagaoka, Toshihiro Miyajima, and Hiroya Yamano.
Human Impacts on Large Benthic Foraminifers near a Densely Populated Area of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
(2010) Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Journal Article
Ford, Murray R, Janet M Becker, and Mark A Merrifield.
Reef flat wave processes and excavation pits: observations and implications for Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
Journal of Coastal Research 29, no. 3 (2012): 545-554.
Thesis or Dissertation
Siefu, Donald Djatcho.
Gouvernance territoriale et developpement industriel a Douala
Docteur en Sciences Economiques, Universite de Grenoble, 2012.
Journal Article
Ford, Murray.
Shoreline changes interpreted from multi-temporal aerial photographs and high resolution satellite images: Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands
(2013) Remote Sensing of Environment.
Conference Paper
Becker, Charles M, Dina S Urzhumova, and Ai-Gul S Seitenova.
Mortality recovery and stabilization in Kazakhstan, 1995-2001
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 14, 2003.
Zaidi, Shehla, Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta, Suleman Qazi, Gul Nawaz, Noorya Hayat, Shandana Khan Mohmand, and Andres Mejia Acosta.
Nutrition political economy, Pakistan. Provincial Report: Balochistan.
Journal Article
Dinç, Gönül, Erhan Eser, Umit Cihan, Semra Ay, Tumer Pala, Gül Ergör, and Cemil Özcan.
Fertility preferences, contraceptive behaviors and unmet needs: a gap between urban and suburban parts of a city
European J. of Contraception and Reproductive Healthcare 12, no. 1 (2007): 86-94.
Working Paper
Gul, Adnan.
Pakistan’s Public Debt: The Shocks and Aftershocks
(2008) Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
Working Paper
Gul, Showkeen, and Zebun N Khan.
Assessment and Understanding of Gender Equity in Education in Jammu and Kashmir
Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce 1, no. 6 (2014).
Journal Article
Ülker, Kahraman, Ismail Temur, and Abdülaziz Gül.
Effects of modernisation and new population policies on reproductive health in Kars, Turkey
The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 17, no. 3 (2012): 187-196.
Journal Article
Börü, Türk, Recep Alp, Haydar Sur, and Levent Gül.
Prevalence of multiple sclerosis door-to-door survey in Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey
Neuroepidemiology 27, no. 1 (2006): 17-21.
Zaidi, Shehla, Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Abdul Wajid, Gul Nawaz, Kashif Nazeer, Shandana K Mohmand, and Andres M Acosta.
Nutrition political economy, Pakistan. Province Report: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Journal Article
Boddam-Whetham, Luke, Xaher Gul, Eman Al-Kobati, and Anna C Gorter.
Vouchers in fragile states: reducing barriers to long-acting reversible contraception in Yemen and Pakistan
Global Health: Science and Practice 4, no. Supplement 2 (2016): S94-S108.
Journal Article
Mir, Ali M, Mohammad S Shaikh, Siti N Qomariyah, Gul Rashida, Mumraiz Khan, and Irfan Masood.
Using Community Informants to Estimate Maternal Mortality in a Rural District in Pakistan: A Feasibility Study
(2015) Journal of pregnancy.
Journal Article
Sathar, Zeba, Susheela Singh, Gul Rashida, Zakir Shah, and Rehan Niazi.
Induced abortions and unintended pregnancies in Pakistan
Studies in Family Planning 45, no. 4 (2014): 471-491.
Journal Article
Zaidi, Shehla, Atif Riaz, Fauziah Rabbani, Syed Iqbal Azam, Syeda Nida Imran, Nouhseen Akber Pradhan, and Gul Nawaz Khan.
Can contracted out health facilities improve access, equity, and quality of maternal and newborn health services? Evidence from Pakistan
Health Research Policy and Systems 13, no. 1 (2015): S54.
Journal Article
Chaudhry, Abid Ghafoor, Asha Gul, Shaheer Ellahi Khan, Nida Khan, and Maha Khan.
Fertility levels in relation to education in Pakistan
The Professioal Medical Journal 21, no. 6 (2014): 1103-1112.
Journal Article
Gul, Aliya, Robina Karim, Nasrullah, and Osaidullah.
An estimation of per capita food consumption and related poverty in Faqirabad area (Peshawar city)
(2013) European Scientific Journal.
Zaidi, Shehla, Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta, Rozina Mistry, Gul Nawaz, Noorya Hayat, Shandana Khan Mohmand, and Andres Mejia Acosta.
Nutrition political economy, Pakistan. Province Report: Sindh
Working Paper
Gul, Aliya.
Exploring linkages between women empowerment and resilience to natural disasters in Pakistan
Working Paper
Totakhail, Jannat Gul.
Students' Absenteeism in Afghan Schools
Journal Article
Rabbani, Fauziah, Aftab Akbar Ali Mukhi, Shagufta Perveen, Xaher Gul, Saleem Perwaiz Iqbal, Shamim Ahmed Qazi, Iqbal Azam Syed, Khalid Hussain Shaikh, and Wafa Aftab.
Improving community case management of diarrhoea and pneumonia in district Badin, Pakistan through a cluster randomised study—the NIGRAAN trial protocol
Implementation Science 9, no. 1 (2014): 186.
Journal Article
Memon, Zahid A, Gul N Khan, Sajid B Soofi, Imam Y Baig, and Zulfiqar A Bhutta.
Impact of a community-based perinatal and newborn preventive care package on perinatal and neonatal mortality in a remote mountainous district in Northern Pakistan
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 106.
Journal Article
Yaqub, Asma, and Sidra Gul.
Reasons for failure of exclusive breastfeeding in children less than six months of age
Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad 25, no. 1-2 (2013): 165-167.
Journal Article
Gul, Saadia, and Rehana Khalil.
Immunisation knowledge and practices among mothers attending a paediatric clinic in Karachi, Pakistan
International Journal of Advances in Medicine 3, no. 3 (2016): 656-661.
Working Paper
Sathar, Zeba A, Gul Rashida, Sabahat Hussain, and Anushe Hassan.
Evidence of Son Preference and Resulting Demographic and Health Outcomes in Pakistan
(2015) Islamabad: Population Council.
Journal Article
Soofi, Sajid Bashir, Shabina Ariff, Ubaidullah Khan, Ali Turab, Gul Nawaz Khan, Atif Habib, Kamran Sadiq, Zamir Suhag, Zaid Bhatti, and Imran Ahmed.
Diagnostic accuracy of WHO verbal autopsy tool for ascertaining causes of neonatal deaths in the urban setting of Pakistan: a hospital-based prospective study
BMC Pediatrics 15, no. 1 (2015): 144.
Journal Article
Salman, Sara, Rehana Khalil, and Saadia Gul.
Culture-bound addictions among low income workers of Karachi, Pakistan.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 3, no. 10 (2015): 2770-2774.
Showing 1-30 of 96