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Thesis or Dissertation
Pretorius, Jacqueline. "Investigating moral identity in child-headed households." Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, North-West University, 2012.
Gradin, Carlos. Poverty and ethnicity among black South Africans. 2014.
Working Paper
Ezeh, Alex, Gloria Chepngeno, A Kasiira, and Zewdu Woubalem. "The situation of older people in poor urban settings: The case of Nairobi, Kenya." (2006) Aging in sub-Saharan Africa: Recommendations for furthering research.
Rajaratnam, Surendran, Steven M Cole, Karyn M Fox, Benjamin Dierksmeier, Ranjitha Puskur, Festus Zulu, SJ Teoh, and Judy Situmo. Social and gender analysis report: Barotse Floodplain, Western Province, Zambia. 2015.
Journal Article
Cole, Steven M, Ranjitha Puskur, Surendran Rajaratnam, and Festus Zulu. "Exploring the intricate relationship between poverty, gender inequality and rural masculinity: A case study from an aquatic agricultural system in Zambia." Culture, Society and Masculinities 7, no. 2 (2015): 154-170.
Journal Article
Harrison, Abigail, and Elizabeth Montgomery. "Life Histories, Reproductive Histories: Rural South African Women's Narratives of Fertility, Reproductive Health and Illness." Journal of Southern African Studies 27, no. 2 (2001): 311-328.
Journal Article
Le Roux, Hugo Alexander, Ronald James Urry, Benn Sartorius, and Colleen Aldous. "Prostate Cancer at a regional hospital in South Africa: we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg." South African Journal of Surgery 53, no. 4 (2015): 57-62.
Journal Article
Wassilak, Steven, Muhammad Pate, Kahleen Wannemuehler, Julie Jenks, Cara Burns, Paul Chenoweth, Emmanuel Abanida, Festus Adu, Marycelin Baba, Alex Gasasira, and others. "Outbreak of type 2 vaccine-derived poliovirus in Nigeria: emergence and widespread circulation in an underimmunized population." Journal of Infectious Diseases 203, no. 7 (2011): 898.
Journal Article
Ukwuani, Festus A, Gretchen T Cornwell, and Chirayath M Suchindran. "Polygyny and child survival in Nigeria: Age-dependent effects." Journal of Population Research 19, no. 2 (2002): 155-171.
Journal Article
Ukwuani, Festus A, and Chirayath M Suchindran. "Implications of women's work for child nutritional status in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of Nigeria." Social Science & Medicine 56, no. 10 (2003): 2109-2121.
Journal Article
Ukwuani, Festus A, Chirayath M Suchindran, and Gretchen T Cornwell. "Influences of mother's work, childhood place of residence, and exposure to media on breast-feeding patterns: Experience of Nigeria and Uganda." Biodemography and Social Biology 48, no. 1-2 (2001): 1-20.
Journal Article
Kema, Koronel, Innocent Semali, Serafina Mkuwa, Ignatio Kagonji, Florence Temu, Festus Ilako, and Martin Mkuye. "Factors affecting the utilisation of improved ventilated latrines among communities in Mtwara Rural District, Tanzania." (1937) PanAfrican Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Berendes, Sima, Olusegun Adeyemi, Edward Adekola Oladele, Olusola Bukola Oresanya, Festus Okoh, and Joseph J Valadez. "Are Patent Medicine Vendors Effective Agents in Malaria Control? Using Lot Quality Assurance Sampling to Assess Quality of Practice in Jigawa, Nigeria." PloS ONE 7, no. 9 (2012).
Journal Article
Kirigia, Joses M, Michael Amara, Ade T Renner, Eyob Zere, Magnus Gborie, Juliet Nabyonga, Edward Magbity, Dante Bendu, Sarah Fox, Clifford Kamara, and Festus Amara. "Republic of Sierra Leone National Health Accounts: Financial Year 2004, 2005 and 2006." Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 2, no. 2 (2011): 121-151.
Working Paper
Ackah, Charles, Charles Adjasi, and Festus Turkson. "Scoping study on the evolution of industry in Ghana." (2014)
Working Paper
Ackah, Charles, Charles Adjasi, Festus Turkson, and Adjoa Acquah. "Education, skill, and earnings. Further evidence from Ghana." WIDER Working Paper 2014, no. 073 (2014).
Journal Article
Acquah, Henry De-Graft, and Festus Kwabe. "Farmers Perception of Impact of Climate North District in the Volta Region of Ghan."
Working Paper
Jordaan, Danie, Cori Ham, and Festus Akinnifesi. "Feasibility Study. Production of Fruit Juice Concentrate at Magomero Vocational College – Malawi." (2004)
Journal Article
Ouma, James, Festus Murithi, Wilfred Mwangi, Hugo Verkuijl, Macharia Gethi, and Hugo De Groote. "Adoption of maize seed and fertilizer technologies in Embu District." (2002) International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center .
Thesis or Dissertation
Ndenje, Nestory Festus. "Assessment of the effectiveness of Tanzania police gender desks in protecting women from gender based violation”, a case study at Kinondoni municipality." Master of Arts, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Working Paper
Festus, Lyle, Atoko Kasongo, and Mariana Moses. "The South African labour market." (2015) ERSA working paper 493.
Journal Article
Afolabi, Bamgboye M, Olayemi T Sofola, Bayo S Fatunmbi, William Komakech, Festus Okoh, Oladele Saliu, Peju Otsemobor, Olusola B Oresanya, Chioma N Amajoh, and David Fasiku. "Household possession, use and non-use of treated or untreated mosquito nets in two ecologically diverse regions of Nigeria-Niger Delta and Sahel Savannah." Malaria journal 8, no. 1 (2009): 1.
Journal Article
AM Ogaboh, Agba, Festus Nkpoyen, and Archi Esther. "Sociological Analysis of Marital Stress and Women Effectiveness in Grassroot Socio-Econonmic Transformation in Nigeria." Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research 10, no. 2 (2010): 38-45.
Journal Article
Afolabi, Bamgboye M, Festus Okoh, Bayo S Fatunmbi, William Komakech, Oladele Saliu, Felicia Ewoigbokhan, Aro Modiu, James Ujor, and Marmoud Omo-eboh. "Combined intervention of intermittent preventive therapy and long-lasting insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Nigeria." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 3, no. 13 (2011): 608-616.
Journal Article
Jedy-Agba, Elima, Maria Paula Curado, Olufemi Ogunbiyi, Emmanuel Oga, Toyin Fabowale, Festus Igbinoba, Gloria Osubor, Theresa Otu, Henry Kumai, and Alice Koechlin. "Cancer incidence in Nigeria: a report from population-based cancer registries." Cancer epidemiology 36, no. 5 (2012): e271-e278.
Journal Article
Erhabor, O, Isaac Zama, AS Mainasara, RA Shehu, IP Iwueke, Aghedo Festus, D Ikhuenbor, EK Uko, and OO Igbineweka. "Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Screening among Apparently Healthy Men of African Descent in Sokoto, North Western, Nigeria." International Blood Research & Reviews.
Journal Article
Attah, FM, AM Agba, and Festus Nkpoyen. "Carnival Fiesta and Socio-economic development of Calabar Metropolis, Nigeria." International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention 2, no. 6 (2013): 33-41.
Journal Article
Akarolo-Anthony, Sally N, Luigino Dal Maso, Festus Igbinoba, Sam M Mbulaiteye, and Clement A Adebamowo. "Cancer burden among HIV-positive persons in Nigeria: preliminary findings from the Nigerian AIDS-cancer match study." Infectious Agents and Cancer 9, no. 1 (2014): 1.
Journal Article
Obasi, Isaac N, and Mogopodi H Lekorwe. "Citizen engagement in public policy making process in Africa: the case of Botswana." Public Policy and Administration Research 3, no. 4 (2014).
Journal Article
Kilian, Albert, Harriet Lawford, Chinazo N Ujuju, Tarekegn A Abeku, Ernest Nwokolo, Festus Okoh, and Ebenezer Baba. "The impact of behaviour change communication on the use of insecticide treated nets: a secondary analysis of ten post-campaign surveys from Nigeria." Malaria journal 15, no. 1 (2016).
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