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Showing 1-30 of 163
Journal Article
Toyin, Adigun Grace, GT Adigun, Awoyemi Taiwo Timothy, TT Awoyemi, Fabiyi Esther Funsho, and EF Fabiyi.
Analysing Poverty Situation in Rural Nigeria
Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering 1, no. 4 (2015): 178-188.
Journal Article
Oluseyi O, Fabiyi.
Urban land use change analysis of a traditional city from remote sensing data: The case of Ibadan metropolitan area, Nigeria
Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 1, no. 1 (2006): 42-64.
Journal Article
Fabiyi, YL, MO Adetunji, and JT Ayanwola.
The Incidence and Severity of Poverty among Small-scale Farmers in Ogbomoso Area of Oyo State
International Journal of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development 1, no. 2 (2008): 108-114.
Journal Article
Fabiyi, EF, and BM Hamidu.
Adoption of improved technologies in soyabean processing and utilization in Tafawa Balewa Local Government area of Bauchi State, Nigeria
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 11, no. 1 (2011): 4527-4537.
Journal Article
Kabiru, Mohammed, Mohamed Rusli Abdullah, Ikeh Eugene Ifeanyi, Aziah Ismail, Julia Omar, and Fabiyi Joseph Popoola.
Prevalence and Intensity of Schistosoma Haematobium Infections: A Community based survey among school children and adults in Wamakko Town, Sokoto State Nigeria
International Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2, no. 1 (2013): 12-21.
Journal Article
Adesiji, GB, LS Tyabo, M Ibrahim, JO Fabiyi, and OA Aladele.
Effect of Climate Change on the Health of Rural Farmers in Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria
Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 6, no. 3 (2013): 249-252.
Thesis or Dissertation
Espinoza P, Doris.
Infecciones bacterianas del tracto genito urinario en mujeres gestantes atendidas en la Clínica Julia Esther González de la ciudad de Loja. Periodo julio-septiembre 2012
Título de Licenciada, Universidad Nacional De Loja, 2013.
Journal Article
Banerjee, Abhijit V, and Esther Duflo.
The economic lives of the poor
Journal of Economic Perspectives 21, no. 1 (2007): 141-167.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rauen, Esther.
Early Initiation of HAART in Children with HIV Infection and Severe Malnutrition
Masters Thesis, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2009.
Journal Article
Paintain, Lucy S, Gifty D Antwi, Caroline Jones, Esther Amoako, Rose O Adjei, Nana A Afrah, Brian Greenwood, Daniel Chandramohan, Harry Tagbor, and Jayne Webster.
Intermittent screening and treatment versus intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: Provider knowledge and acceptability
PloS one 6, no. 8 (2011): e2403.
Muia, Esther, Patrick Ndavi, Joyce Olenja, Paul Kizito, Sian Curtis, and Ani Hyslop.
Factors that contribute to the utilization of quality reproductive health care: Findings from further analysis of the Kenya Service Provision Assessment of 1999
Thesis or Dissertation
Okwori, Esther.
Relation of dietary and socioeconomic characteristics of mothers to child growth in Sabon Gari local government area, Zaria, Nigeria
Journal Article
Esther W., Dungumaro.
Socioeconomic differentials and availability of domestic water in South Africa
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 32, no. 15 -18 (2007): 1141-1147.
Journal Article
Duflo, Esther.
Does more Education for the Young increase the Wages of the Old? Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia
Working Paper
Breierova, Lucia, and Esther Duflo.
The Impact of Education on Fertility and Child Mortality: Do Fathers Really Matter less than Mothers?
OECD , no. 217 (2004).
Thesis or Dissertation
Schuring, Esther.
To condition or not - is that the question? An analysis of the effectiveness of ex-ante and ex-post conditionality in social cash transfer programs
PhD, Maastricht University.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kaggwa B, Esther.
The Family, Psychological and Sexual Differences Between Orphans and Non Orphans in Uganda
PhD Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 2009.
Chitolie-Joseph, Esther, and Corporate Planning Unit.
Education for All 2015 National Review: Saint Lucia
Someshwar, Shiv, Rizaldi Boer, and Esther Conrad.
Managing Peatland Fire Risk in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Working Paper
Duflo, Esther, and Christopher R Udry.
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Cote D'Ivoire: Social Norms, Separate Accounts and Consumption Choices
(2004) NBER Working Paper Series.
Thesis or Dissertation
Donoso U, Esther.
Ipeti-Choco: Una comunidad indígena de Panamá afectada por una Presa Hidroeléctrica
Grado de Maestro , Universidad Veracruzana, 1994.
Working Paper
Duflo, Esther.
Grandmothers and granddaughters: Old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa
NBER Working Paper Series , no. 8061 (2000).
Journal Article
Storey, J. Douglas, and Esther B Kaggwa.
The influence of changes in fertility related norms on contraceptive use in Egypt, 1995-2005
Population Review 48, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Tschopp, Rea, Abraham Aseffa, Esther Schelling, and Jakob Zinsstag.
Farmers' perceptions of livestock, agriculture, and natural resources in the rural Ethiopian highlands
Mountain Research and Development (MRD) 30, no. 4 (2010): 381-390.
Journal Article
Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak, Esther Duflo, Abdul Latif Jameel, Rachel Glennerster, and Dhruva Kothari.
Improving immunisation coverage in rural India: clustered randomised controlled evaluation of immunisation campaigns with and without incentives
(2010) BMJ: British Medical Journal.
Journal Article
Duflo, Esther, Pascaline Dupas, Michael Kremer, and Samuel Sinei.
Education and HIV/AIDS prevention: evidence from a randomized evaluation in Western Kenya
Thesis or Dissertation
Masika M, Esther.
An assessment of the HIV and AIDS education information in the Baptist churches in Mchinji district
Master of Public Health, University of Malawi, College of Medicine, 2008.
Journal Article
Madise, Nyovani J, Esther M Banda, and Kabwe W Benaya.
Infant mortality in Zambia: socioeconomic and demographic correlates
Biodemography and Social Biology 50, no. 1-2 (2003): 148-166.
Journal Article
Kajubi, Phoebe, Edward Green, Esther Hudes, Moses Kamya, Alison Ruark, and Norman Hearst.
Multiple sexual partnerships among poor urban dwellers in Kampala, Uganda
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 57, no. 2 (2011): 153.
Journal Article
Schelling, Esther, Mahamat Bechir, Mahamat Ahmed, Kaspar Wyss, Thomas F Randolph, and Jakob Zinsstag.
Human and animal vaccination delivery to remote nomadic families, Chad
Showing 1-30 of 163