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Thesis or Dissertation
Vergara S, Paola.
Video Institucional para el Hogar Madre Anna Vitiello con Atencion a Ninos que Viven con VIH/SIDA
Licenciada, Universidad Rafael Lanidvar, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Smits, Anna.
Collective social captial and adaptation strategies to flooding: A case study of the neighbourhood Kemijen in Semarang, Indonesia
Bachelor thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 2013.
Working Paper
Webbink, Ellen, Jeroen Smits, and Eelke de Jong.
Hidden child labour: Determinants of housework and family business work of children in 16 developing countries
(2010) Nijmegen Center for Economics (NiCE), Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Journal Article
Smits, Jeroen, and Christiaan Monden.
Twinning across the developing world
PLoS ONE 6, no. 9 (2011): e2523.
Sepúlveda, J, C Carpenter, J Curran, W Holzemer, H Smits, K Scott, and M Orza.
PEPFAR implementation: progress and promise
Washington, DC USA: National Academies Press, 2007.
Book Section
Dedek, Helge, and Martin Schermaier.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by Jan Smits, Second Edition
(2012) German Law .
Journal Article
Spierings, Niels, Jeroen Smits, and Mieke Verloo.
Two myths about contextual effects on Middle Eastern women’s employment: a multilevel analysis of trends in Egypt and Jordan
(2008) Nijmegen Center for Economics (NiCE).
Conference Paper
Spierings, Niels, and Jeroen Smits.
Women’s labour market participation in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria & Tunisia: A three-level analysis
IZA World Bank Conference Employment and Development.
Journal Article
Smits, Jeroen, and Ayse Gündüz-Hosgör.
Linguistic capital: language as a socio-economic resource among Kurdish and Arabic women in Turkey
Ethnic & Racial Studies 26, no. 5 (2003): 829-853.
Journal Article
Smits, J., and A. G Hosgor.
Effects of family background characteristics on educational participation in Turkey
International Journal of Educational Development 26, no. 5 (2006): 545-560.
Working Paper
Gu¨ndu¨z-Hogör, Ayse, and Jeroen Smits.
The status of rural women in Turkey: What is the role of regional differences
Nijmegen Center for Economics (NiCE) Working Paper 06, no. 101 (2006): 1-27.
Working Paper
Smits, Jeroen, and Roel Steendijk.
The International Wealth Index (IWI)
Working Paper
Komarulzaman, Ahmad, Jeroen Smits, and Eelke Jong.
Clean Water, Sanitation and Diarrhoea in Indonesia: Effects of household and community factors
(2014) Nijmegen Center for Economics.
Journal Article
Smits, Jeroen, Wout Ultee, and Jan Lammers.
Educational homogamy in 65 countries: An explanation of differences in openness using country-level explanatory variables
American Sociological Review 63, no. 2 (1998): 264-285.
Conference Paper
Smits, Mattijs.
A tale of two transitions: a multi-level perspective on energy transitions in the Lao PDR and its challenges
Conference paper for the Experiments, System Innovation and Sustainability Transitions in Asia, Kuala Lumpur.
January 9-11, 2011.
Conference Paper
Smits, Mattijs.
Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD), 2010 Proceedings of the International Conference on
PEA-AIT International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies.
Chiang Mai, Thailand, June 2-4, 2010.
Working Paper
Smits, Jan M, and Michael G Faure.
Does Law Matter? An Introduction
Journal Article
Smits, Jeroen.
Social closure among the higher educated: Trends in educational homogamy in 55 countries
Social Science Research 32, no. 2 (2003): 251-277.
Journal Article
Krishnadath, Ingrid SK, Christel CF Smits, Vincent WV Jaddoe, Albert Hofman, and Jerry R Toelsie.
A National surveillance survey on noncommunicable disease risk factors: Suriname Health Study Protocol
JMIR Research Protocols 4, no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Baldew, Se-Sergio M, Ingrid SK Krishnadath, Christel CF Smits, Jerry R Toelsie, Luc Vanhees, and Veronique Cornelissen.
Self-reported physical activity behavior of a multi-ethnic adult population within the urban and rural setting in Suriname
BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 485.
Journal Article
Smits, Mattijs, and Carl Middleton.
New arenas of engagement at the water governance-climate finance nexus? An analysis of the boom and bust of hydropower CDM projects in Vietnam
Water Alternatives 7, no. 3 (2014): 561-583.
Journal Article
Larsson, Elin C, Anna M Ekström, George Pariyo, Göran Tomson, Mohammad Sarowar, Rose Baluka, Edward Galiwango, and Anna E Thorson.
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Rural Uganda: Modelling Effectiveness and Impact of Scaling-up PMTCT Services
(2015) Global Health Action.
Journal Article
Tetui, Moses, Anna-Karin Hurtig, Elizabeth Ekirpa-Kiracho, Suzanne N Kiwanuka, and Anna-Britt Coe.
Building a competent health manager at district level: a grounded theory study from Eastern Uganda
BMC health services research 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Demianova, Anna, and Anna Lukiyanova.
The impact of disability status on labor supply in Russia
(2016) Applied Econometrics.
Journal Article
Levira, Francis, Abela Mpobela Agnarson, Honorati Masanja, Basia Zaba, Anna Mia Ekstrom, and Anna Thorson.
Antiretroviral treatment coverage in a rural district in Tanzania - a modeling study using empirical data
BMC public health 15, no. 1 (2015).
Journal Article
Agnarson, Abela Mpobela, Francis Levira, Honorati Masanja, Anna Mia Ekström, and Anna Thorson.
Antiretroviral treatment knowledge and stigma—implications for programs and HIV treatment interventions in rural Tanzanian populations
PLoS One 8, no. 1 (2013).
Journal Article
Kotowska, Irena, Janina Jóźwiak, Anna Matysiak, and Anna Baranowska.
Poland: Fertility decline as a response to profound societal and labour market changes?
Demographic Research 19, no. 22 (2008): 795-854.
Berton, Hélène, Rica Garde, Rosie Jackson, Frances Mason, Abigail Perry, Alex Rees, Victoria Sibson, Anna Taylor, and Delphine Valette.
Hungry for change
London: Save the Children UK, 2009.
Working Paper
Aksan, Anna-Maria.
Malaria and Africa's sluggish demographic transition
(2011) Social Science Research Network.
Book Section
Rutstein, Shea O, Anna E Sommerfelt, and Juan Schoemaker.
Child survival programs: Issues for the 1990s
(1990) Who uses maternal and child health services? Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys.
Showing 1-30 of 353