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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth, Gertrude Namazzi, Moses Tetui, Aloysius Mutebi, Peter Waiswa, Htet Oo, David H Peters, and Asha S George. "Unlocking community capabilities for improving maternal and newborn health: participatory action research to improve birth preparedness, health facility access, and newborn care in rural Uganda." BMC Health Services Research 16, no. Suppl 7 (2016).
Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Shafique, Aisha. "Political Competition and Social Organization: Explaining the Effect of Ethnicity on Public Service Delivery in Pakistan." the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School, The Ohio State University, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Akhter, Sanzida. "Maternal Health Care Seeking Behaviour of Women from Lower and Upper Socio-Economic Groups of Dhaka, Bangladesh - Fear or Fashion?." Doctor of Philosophy, Flinders University, 2015.
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Singh, Devendra Raj, and Trishna Jha. "Exploring Factors Influencing Antenatal Care Visit Dropout at Government Health Facilities of Dhanusha District, Nepal." American Journal of Public Health Research 4, no. 5 (2016): 170-175.
Book Section
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Thesis or Dissertation
Stone, Moren Tibabo. "Protected areas, tourism and rural community livelihoods in Botswana." Doctor of Philosophy , Arizona State University, 2013.
Journal Article
Adokiya, Martin N, and John K Awoonor-Williams. "Ebola virus disease surveillance and response preparedness in northern Ghana." Global Health Action 9, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Erazo Rivera, Ana Edith. "Plan estrategico de marketing digital para posicionar a la Subsecretaria de Gobierno Electronico en el sector publico." título de ingeniería en mercadotecnia, Quito/Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, 2016.
Journal Article
Brown, Eleanor, Faith Mwangi-Powell, Miriam Jerotich, and Victoria May. "Female Genital Mutilation in Kenya: are young men allies in social change programmes?." Reproductive Health Matters 24, no. 47 (2016): 118-125.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Salama, Peter, Wei Ha, Joel Negin, and Samson Muradzikwa. "Post-crisis Zimbabwe’s innovative financing mechanisms in the social sectors: a practical approach to implementing the new deal for engagement in fragile states." BMC International Health and Human Rights 14, no. 1 (2014): 35.
Journal Article
Nabyonga-Orem, Juliet, Freddie Ssengooba, Jean Macq, and Bart Criel. "Malaria treatment policy change in Uganda: what role did evidence play?." Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 345.
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Elmusharaf, Khalifa, Elaine Byrne, Mary Manandhar, Joanne Hemmings, and Diarmuid O’Donovan. "Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research: Reflections on the Research Approach Used to Understand the Complexity of Maternal Health Issues in South Sudan." Qualitative health research 27, no. 9 (2017): 1345-1358.
Journal Article
Sidibe, Sekou, Allison P Pack, Elizabeth E Tolley, Elizabeth Ryan, Caroline Mackenzie, Emily Bockh, and George Githuka. "Communicating about microbicides with women in mind: Tailoring messages for specific audiences." Journal of the International AIDS Society 17, no. 3Suppl 2 (2014).
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