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Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-Peter, Susan C Watkins, Jere R Behrman, Philip Anglewicz, Iliana V Kohler, Rebecca L Thornton, James Mkandawire, Hastings Honde, Augustine Hawara, and Ben Chilima. "Cohort Profile: The Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)." (2014) International journal of epidemiology.
Working Paper
Kohler, Iliana, Philip Anglewicz, Hans-Peter Kohler, John McCabe, Ben Chilima, and Beth Soldo. "Evaluating health and disease in Sub-Saharan Africa: minimally invasive collection of plasma in the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)." Population Studies Center Working Paper Series , no. 12-05 (2012).
Working Paper
Kohler, Iliana V, Collin F Payne, Chiwoza Bandawe, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "The Demography of Mental Health Among Mature Adults in a Low-Income High HIV-Prevalence Context." (2015)
Working Paper
Payne, Collin F, Iliana V Kohler, Chiwoza Bandawe, Kathy A Lawler, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "Cognitive Health among Older Adults: Evidence from Rural Sub-Saharan Africa." (2016) Population Center Working Papers.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-Peter, and Iliana Kohler. "Fertility Decline in Russia in the Early and Mid 1990s: The Role of Economic Uncertainty and Labour Market Crises." European Journal of Population 18, no. 3 (2002): 233-262.
Journal Article
Shapira, Gil. "How subjective beliefs about HIV infection affect life-cycle fertility evidence from rural Malawi." Journal of Human Resources 52, no. 3 (2017): 680-718.
Fort, Alfredo, Hayk Gyuzalyan, Rebecca Kohler, Lauren Voltero, Leah Levin, Mark Luoma, Sona Oksuzyan, and Marcel Vekemans. Reproductive health care at the primary level in Armenia: assessment of providers services and the factors affecting performance. Chapel Hill, NC: IntraHealth, PRIME II Project, 2003.
Journal Article
Ayoya, Mohamed A, Rebecca Heidkamp, Ismael Ngnie–Teta, Joseline M Pierre, and Rebecca J Stoltzfus. "Child Malnutrition in Haiti: Progress Despite Disasters." Global Health: Science and Practice 1, no. 3 (2013): 389-396.
Working Paper
Omar, Fatma J, George Kabona, Khalfan M Abdalla, Saleh J Mohamed, Said M Ali, Shaali M Ame, Abel Ngwalle, Lisa Rotondo, Rebecca Willis, and Rebecca M Flueckiger. "Baseline trachoma surveys in Kaskazini A and Micheweni districts of Zanzibar: results of two population-based prevalence surveys conducted with the Global Trachoma Mapping Project." (2016)
Journal Article
Abashawl, Aida, Colin Macleod, John Riang, Ferede Mossisa, Michael Dejene, Rebecca Willis, Rebecca M Flueckiger, Alexandre L Pavluck, Addisu Tadesse, and Tesfaye Haileselassie Adera. "Prevalence of Trachoma in Gambella Region, Ethiopia: Results of Three Population-Based Prevalence Surveys Conducted with the Global Trachoma Mapping Project." Ophthalmic epidemiology 23, no. sup1 (2016): 77-83.
Journal Article
Adamu, Yilikal, Colin Macleod, Liknaw Adamu, Wirtu Fikru, Beyene Kidu, Aida Abashawl, Michael Dejene, Brian K Chu, Rebecca M Flueckiger, and Rebecca Willis. "Prevalence of Trachoma in Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia: Results of Seven Population-Based Surveys from the Global Trachoma Mapping Project." Ophthalmic epidemiology 23, no. sup1 (2016): 70-76.
Thesis or Dissertation
Pradeilles, Rebecca. "Neighbourhood and household socio-economic influences on diet and anthropometric status in urban South African adolescents." Doctor of Philosophy, {\copyright} Rebecca Pradeilles, 2015.
Working Paper
Alderman, Harold, Jere R Behrman, Hans-Peter Kohler, John A Maluccio, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "Attrition in longitudinal household survey data: some tests for three developing country samples." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 2447 (2000).
Journal Article
Delavande, Adeline, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "Subjective expectations in the context of HIV/AIDS in Malawi." (2009) Demographic research.
Journal Article
Behrman, J.R., H.P. Kohler, and S.C. Watkins. "Social networks and changes in contraceptive use over time: Evidence from a longitudinal study in rural Kenya." Demography 39, no. 4 (2002): 713-738.
Journal Article
Behrman, Jere R, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "How can we measure the causal effects of social networks using observational data? Evidence from the diffusion of family planning and AIDS worries in South Nyanza District, Kenya." (2001) Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Paper.
Journal Article
Watkins, Susan, Eliya Zulu, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Jere Behrman. "Introduction to: Social interactions and HIV/AIDS in rural Africa." (2003) Demographic Research.
Journal Article
Kohler, Hans-peter, Jere Behrman, and Susan Watkins. "Social networks and HIV/AIDS risk perceptions." Demography 44, no. 1 (2007): 1-33.
Journal Article
Helleringer, Stephane, Hans-Peter Kohler, Jemima A Frimpong, and James Mkandawire. "Increasing uptake of HIV testing and counseling among the poorest in sub-Saharan countries through home-based service provision." Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 51, no. 2 (2009): 185-193.
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Susan Cotts Watkins. "Social networks, family planning and worrying about AIDS: What are the network effects if network partners are not determined randomly?." (2002) PIER Working Paper 02-002.
Journal Article
Baranov, Victoria, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "The impact of AIDS treatment on savings and human capital investment in Malawi." (2014)
Journal Article
Payne, Collin F, James Mkandawire, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "Disability transitions and health expectancies among adults 45 years and older in Malawi: a cohort-based model." PLoS medicine 10, no. 5 (2013).
Journal Article
Kinuthia, John, Pamela Kohler, John Okanda, George Otieno, Frank Odhiambo, and Grace John-Stewart. "A community-based assessment of correlates of facility delivery among HIV-infected women in western Kenya." BMC pregnancy and childbirth 15, no. 1 (2015): 46.
Working Paper
Thomas, Bigi, and Shivani Mishra. "Fertility Behaviour of Women: Is Son Preference Still a Proximate Factor?." International Journal of Social and Economic Research 2, no. 2 (2012): 419-426.
Journal Article
Kohler, Thomas. "Research for Development and Policy Support: The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern." Mountain Research and Development 29, no. 3 (2009): 277-281.
Journal Article
Vala-Haynes, Emily, Claudia Valeggia, and Hans-Peter Kohler. "Fecundidad fuera de la unión en el Paraguay." (2013) Notas de Población.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sinha, Aakanksha. "India’s Child Malnutrition Paradox: Role of Maternal Autonomy & Health Related Awareness." PhD thesis, Boston College. Graduate School of Social Work, 2016.
Journal Article
Kohler, Racquel E, Jared Tomlinson, Tiyamike Eletima Chilunjika, Sven Young, Mina Hosseinipour, and Clara N Lee. "“Life is at a standstill” Quality of life after lower extremity trauma in Malawi." Quality of life research 26, no. 4 (2017): 1027-1035.
Journal Article
Kohler, Racquel E, Anna R Miller, Lily Gutnik, Clara N Lee, and Satish Gopal. "Experiences and perceptions regarding clinical breast exam screening by trained laywomen in Malawi." Cancer Causes & Control 28, no. 2 (2017): 137-143.
Journal Article
Kohler, Pamela K, John Okanda, John Kinuthia, Lisa A Mills, George Olilo, Frank Odhiambo, Kayla F Laserson, Brenda Zierler, Joachim Voss, and Grace John-Stewart. "Community-based evaluation of PMTCT uptake in Nyanza Province, Kenya." PLoS One 9, no. 10 (2014): e110110.
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