
Showing 1-2 of 2
Conference Paper
Giardini, B Mansouri, S Lodi, H Al-Nimry, N Tseretelli, G Hovhannisyan, C Chrysostomou, R El-Khoury, and R Helou. "Seismic Risk Assessment in the Middle East and Caucasus: EMME (Earthquake Model of Middle East) Project." 15 WCEE Lisboa.
Journal Article
Smith, Lucy A, Jane Bruce, Lamine Gueye, Anthony Helou, Rodio Diallo, Babacar Gueye, Caroline Jones, and Jayne Webster. "From fever to anti-malarial: the treatment-seeking process in rural Senegal." Malaria Journal 9, no. 1 (2010): 333.
Showing 1-2 of 2