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Mkandawire, Paul, Godwin Arku, Odwa Atari, Kon Madut, Isaac Luginaah, and Jenna Dixon. ""My House Is the Hospital": Housing and Health and Wellbeing among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Northern Malawi." Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 26, no. 4 (2015): 1246-1264.
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Antabe, Roger, Kilian N Atuoye, Vincent Z Kuuire, Yujiro Sano, Godwin Arku, and Isaac Luginaah. "Community health impacts of surface mining in the Upper West Region of Ghana: The roles of mining odors and dust." Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 23, no. 4 (2017): 798-813.
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Atuoye, Kilian Nasung, Jenna Dixon, Andrea Rishworth, Sylvester Zackaria Galaa, Sheila A Boamah, and Isaac Luginaah. "Can she make it? Transportation barriers to accessing maternal and child health care services in rural Ghana." BMC Health Services Research 15, no. 1 (2015): 333.
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Dixon, Jenna, Eric Y Tenkorang, Isaac N Luginaah, Vincent Z Kuuire, and Godfred O Boateng. "National health insurance scheme enrolment and antenatal care among women in Ghana: is there any relationship?." Tropical Medicine & International Health 19, no. 1 (2014): 98-106.
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McGlynn, Natalie, Piotr Wilk, Isaac Luginaah, Bridget L Ryan, and Amardeep Thind. "Increased use of recommended maternal health care as a determinant of immunization and appropriate care for fever and diarrhoea in Ghana: an analysis pooling three demographic and health surveys." Health Policy and Planning 30, no. 7 (2014): 895-905.
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Rishworth, Andrea, Jenna Dixon, Isaac Luginaah, Paul Mkandawire, and Caesar Tampah Prince. "“I was on the way to the hospital but delivered in the bush”: Maternal health in Ghana's Upper West Region in the context of a traditional birth attendants' ban." (2016) Social Science & Medicine.
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Kuuire, Vincent Z, Joseph Kangmennaang, Kilian N Atuoye, Roger Antabe, Sheila A Boamah, Siera Vercillo, Jonathan A Amoyaw, and Isaac Luginaah. "Timing and utilisation of antenatal care service in Nigeria and Malawi." Global Public Health 12, no. 6 (2017): 711-727.
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Kangmennaang, Joseph, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Esther Lupafya, Laifolo Dakishoni, Mangani Katundu, and Isaac Luginaah. "Impact of a participatory agroecological development project on household wealth and food security in Malawi." Food Security 9, no. 3 (2017): 561-576.
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Atuoye, Kilian N, Jonathan A Amoyaw, Vincent Z Kuuire, Joseph Kangmennaang, Sheila A Boamah, Siera Vercillo, Roger Antabe, Meghan McMorris, and Isaac Luginaah. "Utilisation of skilled birth attendants over time in Nigeria and Malawi." Global Public Health 12, no. 6 (2017): 728-743.
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Sano, Yujiro, Roger Antabe, Kilian Nasung Atuoye, Lucia Kafui Hussey, Jason Bayne, Sylvester Zackaria Galaa, Paul Mkandawire, and Isaac Luginaah. "Persistent misconceptions about HIV transmission among males and females in Malawi." BMC International Health and Human Rights 16, no. 1 (2016): 16.
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