
Showing 1-30 of 81
Working Paper
Yates, Esteban Benavides. "Violencia en América Central - una mirada desde la prevención."
Journal Article
Molnar, Maria. "Income polarization in Romania." Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting 14, no. 2 (2011): 64-83.
Conference Paper
Molnar, Maria. "Income distribution in Romania." The 31th General Conference of The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth. St-Gallen, Switzerland, August 26, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
Esteban, Inga, and Jonathan Jack. "Prevalencia de malnutrición protéico-energético en gestantes mediante análisis de albúmina sérica en el I.N.M.P., en el periodo octubre – noviembre del 2010." Tesis Para optar el Titulo de Licenciado en Obstetricia, Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos Facultad De Medicina Humana , 2011.
Thesis or Dissertation
Valsecchi, Michele. "Local Elections and Corruption during Democratization: Evidence from Indonesia." University of Gothenburg, 2012.
Journal Article
Mejía Salazar, Gilberto, and Ricardo Gómez Álvarez. "El impacto social en el parque público General Esteban Baca Calderón “La Loma” de Tepic, Nayarit, México." Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanisticas 5, no. 9 (2016).
Journal Article
Akwara, Priscilla A, Behzad Noubary, Patricia Lim Ah Ken, Keirsten Johnson, Rachel Yates, William Winfrey, Upjeet K Chandan, Doreen Mulenga, Jimmy Kolker, and Chewe Luo. "Who is the vulnerable child? Using survey data to identify children at risk in the era of HIV and AIDS." AIDS care 22, no. 9 (2010): 1066-1085.
Book Section
Yates, Robert, Christine Kirunga Tashobya, Valeria Oliveira Cruz, Barbara McPake, Freddie Ssengooba, Grace Murindwa, Peter Lochoro, Juliet Bataringaya, Hanif Nazerali, and Francis Omaswa. "Health systems reforms in Uganda: processes and outputs." (2006) The Ugandan health systems reforms: miracle or mirage?.
Journal Article
Babaniyi, Olusegun, Peter Songolo, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Adamson S Muula, David Mulenga, Mzyanga Lucy Mazaba-Liwewe, Idah Ndumba, Freddie Masaninga, and Seter Siziya. "Impaired fasting glucose level and diabetes in Kaoma and Kasama rural districts of Zambia: prevalence and correlates in 2008-2009 population based surveys.." Clinical Practice 6, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Mulenga, D, S Siziya, E Rudatsikira, V M Mukonka, O Babaniyi, P Songolo, A S Muula, and Seter Siziya. "District specific correlates for hypertension in Kaoma and Kasama rural districts of Zambia." Rural and remote health 13, no. 2345 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Banda, Annie. "Factors influencing indoor residual spraying in Lusaka district's Mtendere, Kanyama and Matero Compounds." master of public health, University of Zambia , 2012.
Journal Article
Gundala, Sreenivas, VV Sastry, T Manmohan, and V Geeta. "A study on adherence to dietary guidelines, treatment and preventive care among diabetic patients." International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 3, no. 5 (2016): 166-173.
Journal Article
Vallières, Frédérique, Emma Louise Cassidy, Eilish McAuliffe, Brynne Gilmore, Allieu S Bangura, and Joseph Musa. "Can Sierra Leone maintain the equitable delivery of their Free Health Care Initiative? The case for more contextualised interventions: results of a cross-sectional survey." BMC health services research 16, no. 1 (2016).
Journal Article
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, Samantha Yates, Emily Wylde, and Justine Gatsinzi. "Challenges of measuring graduation in Rwanda." IDS Bulletin 46, no. 2 (2015): 103-114.
Working Paper
Hellmuth, M, J Sendzimir, Yates David, Strzepek Kenneth, and Sanderson Warren. "Addressing Sustainability, HIV-AIDS, and Water Resource Questions in Botswana." (2004)
Working Paper
Benavides, Martin, Magrith Mena, and Carmen Ponce. "Estado de la Niñez Indígena en el Perú." (2010) INEI & UNICEF.
Journal Article
Angel Benavides, Wilmer Ismael. "Educación y futuro, una mirada desde Colombia." Revista de investigacion aplicada y experiencias educativas , no. 25 (2011).
Journal Article
Mora, Vivian I, Sebastiaón I Moreta, María F Narvaez Benavides, Jorge L Sanchez Riofríó, and María F Alvarez Alcíóvar. "Insumos al Comité de la CEDAW Sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres en el Ecuador." (2015) Comité de la CEDAW.
Journal Article
Basadre Quiroz, Carla, Hernán Bello Vélez, José Ignacio Benavides Barrantes, Mercedes Bravo Taxa, and Emilio Carranza Gajardo. "Lactancia materna exitosa en puérperas de menos de 48 horas en el Hospital de Apoyo María Auxiliadora." Horizonte Médico 13, no. 2 (2013): 28-39.
Journal Article
Seclen-Palacín, Juan A, Bruno Benavides, Enrique Jacoby, Aníbal Velásquez, and Enrique Watanabe. "¿Existe una relación entre los programas de mejora de la calidad y la satisfacción de usuarias de atención prenatal?: experiencia en hospitales del Perú." Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica 16, no. 3 (2004): 149-157.
Journal Article
Arce-Gil, Zhandra, José Llontop-Nuñez, Edwin Alarcón-Benavides, and Elmer López-López. "Detección de los genes SHV, TEMY CTX-Mencepas de Escherichia coli ß-lactamasas de espectro extendido procedentes de un Hospital de Chiclayo- Perú.." Revista del cuerpo médico 7, no. 3 (2014): 27.
Journal Article
Alameda-García, David, Elena Fernández-Blanco, and Juan Benavides-Delgado. "El sector publicitario en su triple vertiente económica, estructural y cultural." Palabra Clave 16, no. 1 (2013): 182-214.
Thesis or Dissertation
Benavides Álvarez, Andrés F, and Felipe N Cueva Iglesias. "Análisis de Viabilidad para la Elaboración del Proyecto "Bolsa de Empleo UIDE" en el Campus Principal de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Quito 2013." Thesis, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, 2013.
Journal Article
Benavides, Andrea Velásquez V, and Fanny Paladines Y Galarza. "Uso de Otras Formas de Comunicación. Consumo de Medios en los Estudiantes Universitarios. Análisis de Internet y Teléfono Móvil-caso UTPL." Razón y palabra , no. 77 (2011).
Thesis or Dissertation
Farfan, Jose Avilez A, Antonio Benavides H Herrada, and Jose Beoutis E Bazan. "Planeamiento estrategico del distrito de San Isidro." Master Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú, 2011.
Journal Article
Smith, Richard C, Margarita Benavides, Mario Pariona, and Ermeto Tuesta. "Mapping the past and the future: Geomatics and indigenous territories in the Peruvian Amazon." Human Organization 62, no. 4 (2003): 357-368.
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