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Thesis or Dissertation
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Casey, Sara E, Shanon E McNab, Clare Tanton, Jimmy Odong, Adrienne C Testa, and Louise Lee-Jones. "Availability of long-acting and permanent family-planning methods leads to increase in use in conflict-affected northern Uganda: Evidence from cross-sectional baseline and endline cluster surveys." Global public health 8, no. 3 (2013): 284-297.
Conference Paper
Sheahan, Megan, Christopher B Barrett, and Casey Goldvale. "The unintended consequences of agricultural input intensification: Human health implications of agro-chemical use in Sub-Saharan Africa." Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces Conference. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 4-5, 2015.
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Mushamiri, Ivy, Chibulu Luo, Casey Iiams-Hauser, and Yanis Ben Amor. "Evaluation of the impact of a mobile health system on adherence to antenatal and postnatal care and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programs in Kenya." BMC Public Health 15, no. 1 (2015): 102.
Working Paper
Sheahan, Megan, Christopher B Barrett, and Casey Goldvale. "Human health and pesticide use in Sub-Saharan Africa." (2017)
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Thesis or Dissertation
Hastings, Casey Lucas. "The Role of Social Medicine in Filling the Gap in Human Resources in Health: The Cuba-Timor-Leste Health Program." Master of Public Health, University of Washington, 2013.
Journal Article
Casey, Katherine. "Crossing party lines: The effects of information on redistributive politics." The American Economic Review 105, no. 8 (2015): 2410-2448.
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Working Paper
Al-Hassan, Ramatu, and Colin Poulton. "Agriculture and Social Protection in Ghana." Future Agricultures , no. 009 (2009).
Working Paper
Mathers, Colin D, Ritu Sadana, Joshua A Salomon, Christopher J Murray, and Alan D Lopez. "Estimates of DALE for 191 countries: Methods and results." Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy Working Paper No. 16 World Health Organization, no. Working Paper No. 16 (2000).
Journal Article
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Working Paper
Rastogi, Tanuja, and Colin Mathers. "Global burden of iron deficiency anaemia in the year 2000." (2002) Global burden of disease 2000.
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Journal Article
Mathers, Colin D, Christina Bernard, Kim M Iburg, Mie Inoue, Doris Ma Fat, Kenji Shibuya, Claudia Stein, Niels Tomijima, and Hongyi Xu. "Global burden of disease in 2002: data sources, methods and results." (2003) Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy Discussion Paper.
Mishra, Yamini, Gyana Panda, and Colin Gonsalves. Human Rights and Budgets in India. New Delhi, India: Human Rights Law Network, 2009.
Working Paper
Sadana, Ritu, Colin D Mathers, Alan D Lopez, Christopher J Murray, and Kim Iburg. "Comparative analyses of more than 50 household surveys on health status." (2000) WHO/GPE Discussion Paper 15.
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Journal Article
Clark, Andrew, and Colin Sanderson. "Timing of children's vaccinations in 45 low-income and middle-income countries: an analysis of survey data." The Lancet 373, no. 9674 (2009): 1543-1549.
Working Paper
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Sallah, Abdoulie, and Colin C Williams. "The illusion of capitalism in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa: A case study of The Gambia." Foresight 13, no. 3 (2011): 50-63.
Journal Article
Black, Robert E, Lindsay H Allen, Zul?qar A Bhutta, Laura E Caulfield, Mercedes de Onis, Majid Ezzati, Colin Mathers, and Juan Rivera. "Maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences." The Lancet 371, no. 9608 (2008): 243-260.
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