
Showing 1-30 of 226
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam. "Inequalities in health in developing countries: swimming against the tide?." (2002) Human Development Network. Health, Nutrition, and Population Team.
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam, and Naoke Watanabe. "Socioeconomic inequalities in child malnutrition in the developing world." (1999)
Book Section
Kazembe N, Lawrence. "Advanced Techniques for Modelling Maternal and Child Health in Africa." (2014) Mapping Socio-economic Inequalities in Health Status Among Malawian Children: A Mixed Model Approach.
O'Donnell, Owen, Eddy Van Doorsslaer, Adam Wagstaff, and Magnus Lindel. Analyzing health equity using household survey data: A guide to techniques and their implementation. : World Bank Publications, 2008.
Book Section
van Doorslaer, Eddy, and Adam Wagstaff. "Investment in Health: Social and Economic Returns." (2001) Inequity in the delivery of health care: Methods and results for Jamaica.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, and Eddy Van Doorslaer. "Inequity in the delivery of health care: methods and results for Jamaica." (2001) Investment in health: social and economic returns.
Journal Article
Yazbeck, Abdo S, Davidson R Gwatkin, and Adam Wagstaff. "Why were the reaching the poor studies undertaken?." (2005) Reaching the poor with health, nutrition and population services: what works, what doesn’t, and why.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, and Naoko Watanabe. "What difference does the choice of SES make in health inequality measurement?." Health Economics 12, no. 10 (2003): 885-890.
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam. "Socioeconomic inequalities in child mortality: comparisons across nine developing countries." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78, no. 1 (2000).
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam, and Nga N Nguyen. "Poverty and survival prospects of Vietnamese children under Doi Moi." (2002) World Bank Policy Research.
Journal Article
Gwatkin, Davidson R, Shea Rutstein, Kiersten Johnson, Eldaw Suliman, Adam Wagstaff, and Agbessi Amouzou. "Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population within developing countries." Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 10, no. 4 (2007).
Working Paper
Gwatkin, Davidson R, Shea Rustein, Kiersten Johnson, Rohini P Pande, and Adam Wagstaff. "Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition, and population in India." (2000) HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of The World Bank.
Gwatkin, Davidson R, Shea Rustein, Kiersten Johnson, Rohini P Pande, and Adam Wagstaff. Socio-economic differences in health, nutrition and population in the Central African Republic. : HNP/Poverty Thematic Group of The World Bank, 2000.
Working Paper
Wagstaff, Adam. "Research on equity, poverty and health outcomes. Lessons for the developing world." (2000) Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper. Washington (DC): World Bank.
Gwatkin, Davidson R, Adam Wagstaff, and Abdo Yazbeck. Reaching the poor with health, nutrition, and population services: what works, what doesn't, and why. : World Bank Publications, 2005.
Thesis or Dissertation
Wagstaff, Adam. "Child Health on a Dollar a Day: Some Tentative Cross-Country Comparisons." Social Science & Medicine, The University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 2003.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam. "The economic consequences of health shocks: Evidence from Vietnam." Journal of Health Economics 26, no. 1 (2007): 82 - .
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, Eddy Van Doorslaer, and Naoko Watanabe. "On decomposing the causes of health sector inequalities with an application to malnutrition inequalities in Vietnam." Journal of Econometrics 112, no. 1 (2003): 207-223.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, and Eddy K Doorslaer. "Catastrophe and impoverishment in paying for health care: with applications to Vietnam 1993-1998." Health Economics 12, no. 11 (2003): 921-9.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam. "Inequality decomposition and geographic targeting with applications to China and Vietnam." Health Economics 14, no. 6 (2005): 649-6.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam. "Social health insurance reexamined." Health Economics 19, no. 5 (2010): 503-517.
Journal Article
Wagstaff, Adam, Marcel Bilger, Zurab Sajaia, and Michael Lokshin. "Interpreting the Tables and Graphs." Health Equity and Financial Protection.
Journal Article
Herman, Edward S, and David Peterson. "Adam Jones on Rwanda and Genocide: A Reply." (2010) MRZine, August.
Journal Article
Gaal, Peter, Melitta Jakab, Sergey Shishkin, J Kutzin, C Cashin, and M Jakab. "Strategies to address informal payments for health care." (2010) Implementing health financing reform: lessons from countries in transition. Copenhagen: World Health Organization.
Journal Article
Kearney, Alexis S, Lise M Kabeja, Naomi George, Naz Karim, Adam R Aluisio, Zeta Mutabazi, Jean Eric Uwitonze, Jeanne D’Arc Nyinawankusi, Jean Claude Byiringiro, and Adam C Levine. "Development of a trauma and emergency database in Kigali, Rwanda." African Journal of Emergency Medicine 6, no. 4 (2016): 185-190.
Journal Article
Waxman, Matthew, Adam R Aluisio, Soham Rege, and Adam C Levine. "Characteristics and survival of patients with Ebola virus infection, malaria, or both in Sierra Leone: a retrospective cohort study." The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17, no. 6 (2017): 654-660.
Journal Article
Cuadros, Diego F, Jingjing Li, Adam J Branscum, Adam Akullian, Peng Jia, Elizabeth N Mziray, and Frank Tanser. "Mapping the spatial variability of HIV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effective information for localized HIV prevention and control." (2017) Scientific reports.
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