Zambian Smallholder Livestock Herd Dynamics: What Are the Policy Implications?

Type Journal Article - Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute
Title Zambian Smallholder Livestock Herd Dynamics: What Are the Policy Implications?
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The livestock sector has
the great potential to contribute to rural
poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa and
particular Zambia. However, this potential is
often underutilized mainly due to the
numerous factors that limit smallholder
production and commercialization. Of the
several factors that limit smallholder
commercialization, studies in Zambia have
shown that the livestock herd size plays a
significant role (Lubungu, Sitko, and
Hichaambwa 2015; Lubungu 2016).
Therefore, building and maintaining a healthy
herd size is key if livestock farmers are to take
full advantage of benefiting from the growth
of the sector.

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