European Union’s Gender Policies applied to Transition Countries

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research SIPARUNTON
Title European Union’s Gender Policies applied to Transition Countries
Volume 1
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
Page numbers 105-107
New members of the EU and the prospective ones are adapting gender equality EU legislation as part of the
enlargement process. Application of equal opportunity law such as, equal pay for men and women for work of
equal value, law on labour protection and directives on equal treatment in social security have made important
progress in transition countries (although some are lagging behind). This has been attained by providing a structure
of gender mainstreaming through the policy making in order of adopting only policies which has an equal
treatment of females and males. From our findings for the transition countries the Job creation should be one of the
main focuses of the policy makers, where the higher share of the new jobs created should be intended for females.
And the Experience from the EU shows that highest share of females are in part – time employment,
therefore in job creation part time employment should be considered too, this will help females to earn income and
manage family responsibilities.

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