Time Use across the World: Findings of a World Compilation of Time-Use Surveys

Type Report
Title Time Use across the World: Findings of a World Compilation of Time-Use Surveys
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
This paper is based on 102 time use surveys carried out in 65 countries. Reports of the surveys were
mostly found on the websites of national statistical agencies or other official institutions. Access to
micro-data was not necessary.
Survey data have been gathered in a single database and used for in-depth comparative analysis. Such a
compilation did not take care of the fact that age groups differ from country to country, but only
retained the surveys for analysis based on: a) use of a diary as a survey instrument, or the record of all
activities performed during a 24-hour day (with the exception of Latin American countries where none
used a diary), b) a sufficiently detailed classification of activities (these first two criteria excluded all
living standards surveys) and c) national level coverage (with a few exceptions, such as China, India, the
Islamic Republic of Iran and Panama).
One of the major difficulties of the exercise was the precise identification of certain groups of activities,
because there is still much progress needed in harmonization of classifications. The compilation
provides interesting regional and subregional profiles, with a gender perspective, for two major
categories (paid and unpaid work) as well as for learning, social life and leisure, personal care and
maintenance. For a few countries, especially those using the new International Classification for TimeUse
Statistics (ICATUS), more detailed information is made available on informal and formal work time,
or time dedicated to water and firewood fetching.

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