Understanding and measuring pre and post abortion stigma about women who have abortions: Results from explorative study

Type Working Paper
Title Understanding and measuring pre and post abortion stigma about women who have abortions: Results from explorative study
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL https://paa.confex.com/paa/2016/mediafile/ExtendedAbstract/Paper3246/Extended abstract PAA 2016.pdf
Incidence of induce abortion in Pakistan is considered one of the highest in the South Asian region. In
2012, a nationwide study in Pakistan estimated that there were 2.2 million abortions were performed
annually, with an annual abortion rate of 50 per 1000 women aged 15-49, a significant rise over the past
decade (Sathar et al 2014). This rate is much high than the rate estimated for 2002 (26.5 per 1000
women). Acknowledging an underestimation of the 2002 rate, this did not count private-sector, the
study points to a significant increase over the 10-year period. In 2012, an estimated 696,000 Pakistani
women were treated for post-abortion complications resulting from induced abortion both in public and
private health facilities, the vast majority of which were performed by unqualified providers. The
abortion rate is very high in Pakistan compared with other countries in the South Asian region. For
instance, the annual abortion rate in Bangladesh was 18.2 per 1000 women in 2010 (Gutmacher Inst.
2012a). The overall abortion rate in Asia has recorded at the level of 28 per 1,000 women. Significant
variation is observed across sub region ranging from 26 per 1000 in South Central Asia and western Asia
to 36 per 1000 in Southeaster Asia (Guttmacher Inst. 2012b; Guttmacher Inst. 2012c). Current level of
abortion rate is very alarming in Pakistan and requires immediate research focus to unpack the
determinants of such high level of abortions.

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