Wetland Utilization and Environmental Implications on the North and Southern Slopes of Mount Cameroon

Type Journal Article - Journal of Agricultural Science
Title Wetland Utilization and Environmental Implications on the North and Southern Slopes of Mount Cameroon
Volume 7
Issue 7
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
Page numbers 103-114
URL http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/jas/article/view/42123
The need for a more rigorous fight against environmental degradation in general and wetland extinction in
particular is important if we have to eradicate poverty and hunger by the year 2035. Wetlands in the north eastern
and southern slopes of the Mount Cameroon region are plagued by two categories of threats (stressors) which are
of natural and anthropogenic origin. Since April 2009, most of the inland wetlands environs are suffering from a
severe plague that is causing the death of Colocasia esculenta − the main food crop cultivated in the inland
wetlands in the region. Using questionnaires, interviews, topographic and climatic maps and physico-chemical
analysis the paper examines the spatial assessment of wetland exploitation, and also examines the cause of the
wilting of the crop (Colocasia esculenta) cultivated in inland wetlands in the region. The ecological implication
reveals that the annual decrease in the total input of rainfall is causing a gradual decline of wetlands in the region,
particularly as this decrease is accompanied by a commensurate increase in the rate of evapotranspiration.
Laboratory analysis revealed that Pythium myriotylum, a fungus-like micro organism is a contributing factor that
is causing the wilting of Colocasia esculenta. Invasive plant species therefore pose a major threat to biodiversity
and the high degree of wetland degradation relates to the absence of wetland sensitization programmes by the
government, Municipal Councils, Traditional Councils, Chiefs, Quarter Heads and Non-Governmental

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