The Hope Boats of the Balkans. Field Research on Asylum Seekers in Gorizia

Type Working Paper
Title The Hope Boats of the Balkans. Field Research on Asylum Seekers in Gorizia
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
From September 2014 to March 2015 an increasing amount of asylum seekers
reached the region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the town of Gorizia, on the ItalianSlovenian
border. The presence of the asylum seekers in town caused an increasing
interest in the media, especially local newspapers, and a growing discontent
among citizens. At the same time, the local administration was dealing
with the need to provide asylum seekers’ temporary allocation and access to the
Commission evaluating their protection request. In order to start responding to
the growing questions of the community about this phenomenon, and to analyze
the organizational system in place, in spring 2015 ISIG engaged in a field
research on this topic.

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