WaLk a MILe In TheIR ShoeS

Type Report
Title WaLk a MILe In TheIR ShoeS
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Publisher e Society for Labour and Development
City New Delhi
URL https://www.publiceye.ch/fileadmin/files/documents/Konsum/indiaReportEN_08112016.pdf
These statements were made by workers from different
Indian shoe and leather factories. Testimonies like the
above attest to the fact that labour law violations are still
a common phenomenon in the Indian leather and foot
wear industry. The people who work at the factories that
supply European brands told us, among other infringe
ments, about salaries that are far below a living wage,
involuntary overtime, insufficient protection from health
and safety risks, absence of workers’ unions and dis
crimination and exploitation based on traditional gender
and caste norms

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