¿Cómo se modificarían la pobreza y la desigualdad de ingresos de los hogares si se cierran las brechas de género en el mercado laboral?

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Magíster en Economía Internacional
Title ¿Cómo se modificarían la pobreza y la desigualdad de ingresos de los hogares si se cierran las brechas de género en el mercado laboral?
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL https://www.colibri.udelar.edu.uy/bitstream/123456789/8090/1/TME_ColacceMaira.pdf
The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of female employment on household
wellbeing measured by its income. The main objective is to estimate how the gender
differences in the labor market (participation and wage gap) affect both poverty and
income inequality. Based on four Latin American countries, three scenarios are assessed:
first, I close the gender hourly wage gap; second, I suppress the gender differences in
participation; lastly, I eliminate both differences at the same time. The methodology is
based on a multiple imputations technique (Rubin 1987) applied to the construction of
counterfactuals. This results in a more robust estimation of the parameters of interest
(income, poverty, inequality) than the one obtained with a single simulation. Multiple
imputation takes into account the variance that originates from the fact that part of the data
is simulated instead of real.

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