Gender gap in Secondary Education: singularities of women and men in educational strategies

Type Journal Article - Universidad de Montevideo
Title Gender gap in Secondary Education: singularities of women and men in educational strategies
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
The focus of the present study is to compare maleswith females in
three key educational outcomes: dropout rates from formal education, education
lag (in schooling years) and completion of different education levels. We utilize
a datasetthat covers a period of 24 years (Continuous Household Survey: 1990-
2013) and a dataset with youth and adolescents’information for 2008 (National
Survey of Youth and Adolescence: 2008). Both datasets are country representative. We make emphasis on adolescence (13-18 years old), a stagein
which the worst educational outcomes are found in Latin America. Results show
a significant gender gap, with a persistent sign through the period: male
students present higher dropout rates, are left behind in schooling years and
have lower rates of completion of Middle and High School.

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