Matriz curricular estandarizada para la empleabilidad, identidades socioculturales, desigualdad y exclusion educativa en Costa Rica

Type Journal Article - Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe
Title Matriz curricular estandarizada para la empleabilidad, identidades socioculturales, desigualdad y exclusion educativa en Costa Rica
Volume 14
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 203-224
This paper aims to provide an analysis and critical discussion around three issues
that today represent problem situations in the context of Costa Rican educational
system: a) the educational project based on a standardized curriculum matrix, aimed
favors educational training for employability ; b) the bracketing of the cultural identities
of student populations and, instead, the establishment of a single guideline cognitive
and attitudinal encodings; c) educational inequality, and exclusion in force today in the
national education system. It is concluded that the inculcation of the so-called National
Core Curriculum has resulted in a standardized curriculum matrix for employability
and that it leads to a systemic situation of inequality and exclusion for diverse student
populations in the country.

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