Transformaciones territoriales y procesos de metropolizacion en Colombia: una aproximacion a partir de la migracion interna

Type Journal Article - Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Title Transformaciones territoriales y procesos de metropolizacion en Colombia: una aproximacion a partir de la migracion interna
Volume 16
Issue 31
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
Page numbers 127-150
Migration flows to the main metropolitan areas of Colombia were analyzed, identifying
processes of urban transformation related to distance, location and conditions of
metropolitan development. We used information from the 2005 population census
and results from the household survey of the National Administrative Department
of Statistics. The results indicate that migrations were concentrated in the central
area of the country and were characterized by being short distance, especially in
intermediate cities. Similarly, a comparison of migration relations with indicators of
metropolitan development suggests a certain deconcentration of the larger cities in an
apparent demographic pressure towards the surrounding municipalities. This process
is consistent with evidence from some cities in Latin America that go through a similar
state of urban deconcentration called counter-urbanization.

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