Efecto de los subsidios en las decisiones de participacion en el mercado laboral para Risaralda durante el ano 2015

Type Working Paper
Title Efecto de los subsidios en las decisiones de participacion en el mercado laboral para Risaralda durante el ano 2015
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
This study determines the effect of subsidies on labor market participation decisions for
Risaralda in 2015, based on the GRAN INTEGRATED HOUSEHOLD SURVEY, the
evolution of subsidies in Risaralda and the behavior of the overall rate Of participation for
The analyzed data suggest that the subsidies evolve regionally according to the evolution
of these nationally, also that the population observed has an average probability of getting
a job or building own business of 3.57%; Likewise the average probability that a person
seeks work in the last 12 months is 0.04%; In terms of diligence to obtain work or set up
a business the average probability is 1.03% and that according to the overall participation
rate 55% of the population is occupied.

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