Factores que determinan la probabilidad de participacion laboral en el Area Metropolitana de Medellin

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Magister en Economía
Title Factores que determinan la probabilidad de participacion laboral en el Area Metropolitana de Medellin
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
URL https://repository.eafit.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10784/8086/Camilo_TobonHerrera_FreyLeon_RodriguezVa​rgas_2015.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
This work explores what are the main factors of labor force participation in the
metropolitan area of Medellin, in order to investigate how individual decisions about
entering in the labor market are influenced.
The research is supported by the Consumption-Leisure model and uses
probabilistic models (Logit and Probit) to determine the probability of labor
participation in Medellin during 2013 with information provided by the Great
Integrated Household Survey (GEIH). The variables taken as main determinants of
labor market are: age, education, gender, socioeconomic status, marital status,
head of household, presence of other jobless and non labor income
This work founds that gender variable shows an important effect on the labor force
participation, this effect is calculated in 0.24 in favor of men, while high levels of
education benefit women, so after estimation the effect of the variable 11 years of
education or more increase the probability of the female labor force participation in

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