Are the Clinical Methods of Family Planning in Bangladesh More Used by the Poor?

Type Journal Article - JUJSS
Title Are the Clinical Methods of Family Planning in Bangladesh More Used by the Poor?
Volume 31
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 43-51
This study investigates the likelihood of using clinical methods among the clients in Bangladesh
by their economic status using the data of BDHS 2004. This study further explores the experience
of side effects and service received among the clinical method users. A logistic regression model
was fitted to understand the impact of the economic status of the respondents on clinical method
use controlling for other socio-demographic variables. About 17% of the respondents were using
clinical methods. Clinical method use was high among the poorest clients, and these clients were
experiencing more side effects and receiving fewer family planning (FP) visits. Regression
analysis revealed that respondents who belonged to the poorest quintile, had no education, had
access to FP TV messages, never discussed FP within marital union and were from urban areas
were significantly more likely to use clinical methods. This study recommends that FP
programmes should ensure informed choices for method options.

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