Incidencia de la flexibilidad laboral en la productividad de mujeres trabajadoras en el Ecuador

Type Thesis or Dissertation - título de Licenciada en Sicología y Recursos Humanos
Title Incidencia de la flexibilidad laboral en la productividad de mujeres trabajadoras en el Ecuador
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
This research project suggests strategies to determine the incidence of labor flexibility on
productivity of working women in Ecuador; it looks forward to better understand the impact of
implementing flexible working practices with women in positions of commercial type in an
Ecuadorian organization, so that it can evaluate their productivity before and after implementing
a system that allows the reconciliation between work life and family life. It would be expected
that women who have flexibility in working hours would be more productive and would present
higher levels satisfaction than those who fulfill traditional working schedules

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